Enemy Against Vampires

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Nathan's POV

We finally arrived at the coven that Maxim wanted to get. Getting through the thick forest was difficult, but the group followed us without trouble. As I parked the jeeps in front of an old-looking mansion, it looked beaten up by the weather elements. It looked abandoned, like no one was even living there, especially with the windows covered by wooden broads. My guards were high up. I watched my surroundings like a hawk and listened out for any trouble.

I never trusted Maxim; from the moment I met him, he held nothing but a dark cloud on himself and a lousy aurora of danger. But John reassured me that he was good, and as much as it seemed like he cared about his people, I still had significant doubts about him.

As we stepped out of the jeep, the front door of the house opened, and a group came out with guns pointed out to us. Of course, my wolves growled in warning, and I knew they would not let them get away with anything. If they shot us, then we would fight until the end. Also, I promised my mate I would give my all if it was against them or the enemy.

"Maxim!" I heard a feminine voice call out as she walked out the front door, staring at Maxim, then glanced at her friends, who were pointing guns at us. "Lower your weapons," she ordered, then walked down the stairs.

Her blonde hair was cut into a short pixie, and her eyes were lime green. She stalked towards Maxim angrily, and when she was in front of him, she slapped him. Quiet gasps echoed in the tension-filled area, and I cleared my throat, trying to stop myself from laughing. At least I know there was one vampire who was brave enough to slap Maxim.

"I guess I deceived that after all, I disappeared," Maxim muttered, then stared down at her. She reached to Maxim's chest but kept her head up and glared at him, "Alexandra, if you want answers, you'll have to wait."

"Maxim, you don't understand how scared we were after you called!" She yelled, and both her fists were placed on her hips. "Last night, we received calls from other coven screaming that a group in black was attacking them; not even the wolves could protect them!"

My heart stopped in shock, "what are you talking about?" I asked.

She glanced at me, "I don't know more about the situation cause all connections had been cut. So imagine how afraid I was, especially since we had children in our care." She said.

"Okay, we have no time to waste; if Rebekah has her group attacking, then we don't want to be caught in the middle of getting people out." I glanced over to my wolves, "Separate into a group to search the area as we clear everyone out and keep your guard--"

Suddenly, there was an explosion inside the mansion; Alexandra, without waiting, rushed in, "Alex--" Maxim was cut off, thundering roars of bikes coming our way, and gunshots were fired. A group rushed in; they all wore black clothing with their faces covered in black masks, and they were here to shoot and kill.

"ATTACK!" I roared a command, then glanced at Maxim, "Let's get everyone out of the house!" I yelled. He nodded, and we both ran straight into the house.

As we reached the entrance, a vampire was shot in front of us, and suddenly, he screamed as his skin turned into ash. Laura's vision! The thought echoed in my head, and I also believe in Maxim's head, but we had no time to question things, so we rushed in as more armed vampires rushed out.

Once inside, alarms cried out. There was so much commotion with people running around, but Maxim grabbed someone, "Where are the children?" He asked.

The person pointed in the direction "upstairs where the explosion happened; some are trying to put the fire out." She said.

Maxim shook his head, "no time for that. Have everyone get to the jeeps. We need to get out of here," he ordered, letting go of her arm and glancing at me. "Let's go!"

We ran upstairs as huge clod smoke began to come our way. We reached one of the floors, and I saw a raging fire at the end of the hallway. A door from that busted open, and someone rushed out, clenching on a blanket. I realized it was Alexandra; she came running towards us. She stopped before us, "I can't find Victoria and Grace!" She coughed, tightly clenching the blanket. I realized there was a child. I heard its soft whimpering and cries.

I glanced at Maxim, who looked like he was glaring at the fire, "The lycan and I will look for them; you just get to one of the jeeps and no matter what, don't get shot." He said, then glanced at me, "Let's go." We rushed past Alexandra, heading straight towards the fire, "there are stairs at the end of that hallway that leads upstairs; the girls must be there."

As we braved the fire, there was a second explosion, causing Maxim and I to stumble and our surroundings to fall apart. I realized that a second explosion was coming from upstairs; without wasting time, we pushed through the fire and ran up the burning stairs. Once we reached the top, violent fires burnt and flashed their flames at us. "You look left, and I look right!" Maxim yelled.

I kicked the first door down, groaned and lifted my arm to shield my face as the flames rose when they lowered. I ran in and searched the room, under the bed, closet and bathroom, areas one could find in case of fire. But there was no one when I stepped out of the room; I noticed the fire was worsening, but there was no giving up. Two children were missing in this chaos, and I didn't want to give up and leave them.

When I was about to kick down the next door, my ears caught a clicking sound coming from the stairs Maxim and I used. I snapped my gaze in that direction, and a gunshot was fired, but I was quick to dodge the bullet, and I glared at the person who had their gun pointed at me. It was one of Rebekah's killers; I growled, then rushed to the person, quickly dodging each bullet they fired.

Once close enough, I threw myself on top of the person, and with every bit of rage built inside me, I began to punch him senselessly. I don't know where this boiling rage was coming from, but I wanted to release it, and I was on this person for everything this person had done to the vampires and my wolves. Suddenly, I froze when I heard a gunshot ringing in the raging fire, followed by tiny screams. Then fear chilled my boiling rage, and I took one glance at the person below me; he was knocked out.

Rushing to where I heard the shot into a room, my eyes widened in shock when I saw Maxim down on his knees and in front of him was his body lying before him. I heard whimpering, and I glanced to the corner of the room, where I saw two little girls who looked to be around Hades' age. "Maxim, are you okay?" I asked, glancing back at him.

He groaned in pain and lifted his left hand, "he shot my hand, but I was fast enough to stop the spread." He said. I saw he tightly tied the wrist of his left hand, which was quickly turning into ash. The girls must have also seen it and gasped in shock, "It's okay, ladies, I'll live..." He said with a smile which freaked me out, then he groaned again in pain, "hopefully..." He muttered under his breath.

"Let's get out of here before more come, or the fire gets us," I said, approaching the girls, who flinched when I got close to them. I gave them a warm, encouraging smile, "It's okay, I'm here to save you." I stretched out my hand.

The girls glanced at each other with hesitation written on their faces, "It's fine ladies, he a friend of the King." Maxim said as he stood on his feet and walked towards us. "Trust him..."

I was shocked to hear Maxim telling them that he never trusted me from the start when John introduced us, and he would always ask John to stop hanging out with me because I was a werewolf. But after everything I had done, I turned against John, my friend, and became Lycan. I was totally against trusting this vampire. And he tells these children to trust me and that I was their King's friend with a straight face.

They both took my hand, and I helped them leave their corner.

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