On the Move

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Punk rock music filled the small room. Coral nodded to the music as she wrote notes on her notepad and then glanced at the laptop screen. A dreadlock fell to face, and she pushed to the back of her ear, then muttered along to the song lyrics, and she furrowed her brows when the doors hissed open. She lifted her gaze, and Rebekah and Mark entered the room.

Mark lifted his hands to cover his ears and groaned, "You have the weirdest music taste." He said. She rolled her eyes, grabbed the stereo remote, and silenced the music. He sighed, "Thank you."

"You're back so soon?" Coral said, turning her attention to Rebekah.

Rebekah grinned devilishly as she pulled out a stool under the messy table and sat across from Coral, "I'm as surprised as you how easy it was." She said, then pulled out a small glass piston that was filled with blood. "The young prince was wandering in the woods alone, and I took my chance. Now we have a divine being's blood," she threw the piston to Coral, who quickly caught it.

"So that means we are finally close to ending this?" Mark exclaimed, and Rebekah nodded.

Coral smiled widely, staring at the thick red liquid. Then, suddenly, with her free, she flipped papers and threw books as she looked for something. Finally, she stopped when she saw the worn book; it was thick and stretched because of the notes and markings she made in the book. She flipped it open to a page where she had written, outlined and noted the most in the book.

"All I need to do is use a drop of his blood to make the greatest weapon against vampires," Coral proudly said.

"That's good, and when can you have it done? I must send our little doves out for a hunt."

"Mark and I will be working all night before daybreak. We'll have to test it out and start production; hopefully, by tomorrow, the doves can go for a little hunt." Coral said.

Rebekah nodded, then stood, "We are counting on you." She said before leaving the room. As she walked down the hallway, she stopped and thought of something, then entered a dark hallway in a different direction.

Her grin widened when she heard hisses of pain and cries in the dark; she stopped in front of John, who was still being hung up by his wrists. He was too weak to stand, but he could not kneel because of the chains that held him. "Mother has returned," she sang, earning a hiss of anger from him as his head stayed low. "I see you missed me, dear son," she said, slipping her hands into her jacket pockets.

"Soon, vampires will be nothing but a myth, and there's nothing you can do about that," she said. "Pure-hearted doves will cleanse monsters of this world, no more fears and madness--"

John started chuckling weakly, keeping his head down because it was heavy for him to lift; he didn't know how long it had been since he drank blood or how long he had been hanging here and listening to the cries of his people. He doesn't know if he is losing his mind or if it is hunger, but he cannot help but laugh at his 'mother'.

"Madness?" He chuckled from his dry throat, "If it were a person, you would be a perfect example." His voice cracked. Indeed, it had been long since he had something to drink.

Rebekah smirked, "is that so?" She asked, and he hummed. "Then my madness has brought the light to the world, and I know I can rest in peace once I've cleansed the world of vampires. Lucky for you, have a row seat," she turned her heels and lifted him there with his thoughts.

Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, maybe even years must have passed. John was not sure, but the cries of his people echoed through the dark, cold room. Sadly, he was too weak, exhausted and hungry to do anything but only hang there and listen. He wondered if those still out were safe if Maxim took them into hiding. Was Ruling in his place, or was Maxim doing everything he could to find him and the captured others?

But knowing Maxim, he must have told the remaining vampires to stay in hiding and then started his investigation to find them. How long, though? How long until Maxim finds them, and if he finds them, would he be able to save them? Worst enough, was Maxim going to find anyone alive?

John closed his eyes, trying to imagine himself being elsewhere other there but all he saw was darkness and silence. Suddenly, someone roughly grabbed his hair and pulled his head up, "rise and shine!" His mother exclaimed into his ear, and he forced his eyes open and then glared at her.

"Did you have a good nap?" She asked, then she forced him to face elsewhere as two people dressed in black pulled someone on the ground to be his view. John's eyes were wide in fear when he saw it was Viktor being dragged before him. Viktor looked as weak and exhausted as John was; he wanted to run to him and save him, but he couldn't break the chains. Rebekah laughed, tightening her grip on his hair, "Now I've got you going."

One of the people who dragged Viktor pulled out a gun, and John feared there was more to it than a gun, "Viktor!" He called out. Then Viktor opened his blood-red eyes and stared up at John. "Viktor!"


The gunshot rang in John's ears as he watched his fellow vampire scream out in pain as his skin suddenly turned ash right before his eyes. Rebekah was laughing her lungs out as Viktor quickly turned into ash just from one bullet. John could not believe his eyes. Viktor was a good man. He had a good life. He had a wife, Naomi and a daughter who must be waiting for her parents, but his life was taken from him within the blink of an eye.

"Now you know what will happen to all of your kind," Rebekah whispered into his ear as his blood tears fell from his eyes as they stared at the ashes that were once Viktor. Rebekah let go of John's hair and then walked towards the two people who dragged Viktor, "Have everyone working in production and by night fell, we leave to the remaining vampire covens and end this once and for all."

John heard every single word that came out of the madwoman's mouth, but he couldn't do anything, only pray that Maxim would be able to protect the vampires. Was this seriously the end of vampires?


Two days passed, and Sean had not seen Jay; he was beginning to think that whoever told them about spotting him was lying to them. But Sean wouldn't give up that easily, not because Nate said he shouldn't return without Jay but for Laura. She was worried about Jay since the day she found out there was murder and that Jay could be the murderer. Sean wanted to put her worry at ease.

Also, finding Jay would help Laura understand why she couldn't talk to her wolf and why she couldn't get into contact with her mother, the moon goddess. Jay was the only one with the answers; finding him was important.

"We searched everywhere, and we still haven't found anything," Summer said as they walked down the empty streets; it was close to dawn, and they were all tired. The others were in another street, also looking for Jay.

Sean stopped, sighed in disappointment, and then looked at Summer, "Maybe we should call. Mind-link everyone else to meet in the hotel for our next order and sleep." He said with a groan.

She nodded and did as she was told as she was mind-linking the others; Sean continued to walk down the street, then he froze in his tracks, and he snapped his gaze up. "What the..." He murmured as his brown eyes turned grey.

Jay stood just a few steps away from Sean. He had a cold look, and his eyes also turned grey. "Beta Sean?" He called out.

"Jay?" Sean muttered, furrowing his brows, trying to figure out how it was possible. He was glad to find Jay, but he was not prepared to see a young-looking Jay, who was also a lycan. How was that possible? He asked himself, did the moon goddess do this?

"You were looking for me, right?" Jay asked, then pulled out his hands from his pockets, lifted his arms, and showed his wrists, "Here I am, but if you want answers, then I'm sorry, I won't talk unless Laura is present."

Sean nodded, pulled out handcuffs from his back pocket, and approached Jay without hesitation, "Don't try anything..."

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