Prepare For an Attack

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Nathan's POV

"Nate," Sean quietly called out to me. I tilted my head to look at him. "You smell like s**t," he said, giving me a tiring grin. He had both his hands on my desk and was leaning against them; I narrowed my gaze at him, then quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled, causing him to fall towards the corner of my desk.

Sadly for me, he quickly reacted and stumbled to the floor; he glanced up at me in shock. "Are you trying to kill me!?" He gasped.

I shrugged, then glanced at the sea witch Jasmine, seated on the sofa and chanting on a worldwide map with a glass bowl full of water with the badge. Once again, the bowl began to crack and shatter into pieces, and water splashed out onto the coffee. Did I mention it was an expensive wooden coffee table, the ninetieth bowl she broke?

She groaned in frustration, then glanced at me, "I can't find them!" She said tiredly and dropped herself on the sofa.

For two days straight, we had been working day and night trying to locate the hideaway of Rebekah's group, and not only that, we tried to make an immunization against the bullets for both vampires and werewolves. Maxim was also making contact with the other covens that managed to survive the attacks from Rebekah. The fifty remaining covens were down to twenty-five, and half or a quarter of the vampires had survived. That was a huge blow.

Thinking about how dangerous Rebekah was was tiring, aggravating, and angering. Laura recently gave birth to our two beautiful daughters, and every time I'm with them, I can't help but wonder if Rebekah was going to attack and, if so... When?

All I want to do is for everyone; I'd die fighting to protect them.

Knocks on the door snapped me out of my train of thought; Eleanor, the other sea witch, Alexandra, Thanatos, Maxim and Isaac entered. They all looked exhausted as us except for the God of death, Thanatos, who walked in with a cheerful grin and warm greetings and then sat next to Jasmine. "Beautiful morning, don't you think?" He asked Jasmine, who gave him a slight pout and glare.

"We finally made something to counteract Rebekah's death bullets," Eleanor said, tiring and lifting a small glass piston that held a clear liquid, then placed it on the table. "However, it will not last," she sighed in disappointment.

"What do you mean?" Sean asked. He was already standing and still beside me.

Alexandra dropped herself on one of the seats that faced my desk. She sighed, "It means after being shot and injecting that solution, the victim has twenty-four hours to live unless they remove the bullet before times up, then they'll live with a bad scar to remember." She said with her eyes closed.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, "isn't Laura's blood stop it for good?" I asked.

Eleanor threw her back and laughed, "Well, that sounds easy enough, but... "She rubbed her face and groaned, "Whoever created this was smart because magic and science were used. If it were just magic, I'd easily find loopholes, but modern science was also applied, making work more difficult. Rebekah must have some crazy witch with brains for science."

Thanatos laughed, and everyone glanced at him like a madman, "who would have thought a magic user believed in science? That's crazy!" He exclaimed excitedly, leaning against the sofa, so relaxed and unbothered.

Why was he here? I asked myself, and then we returned to the matter.

"If we are to take their base, then we can't argue about that; at least we have a solution to help, but that would mean mass production for the team going to this attack. However, we still need to find them first," I said, glancing at Jasmine, who was whipping the spill on the coffee table.

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