All is Well...

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Laura's POV

A month had passed since the wolves and vampires attacked the Doves' hideaway and the death of John, the vampire King. We held a funeral for John and the other vampires who lost their lives at the hands of the Doves and Rebekah. Maxim, John's trusted right-hand man, was given the authority to protect the remaining covens.

The twenty vampire covens attacked by the Doves became thirteen covens, and Maxim ordered that the remaining survivors combine. Now, there were five official covens because they had only five pure-blood vampires, and when they were old enough, they would take over each coven as their own. I was surprised to hear there were two other pure-blood vampires, children; it was just that they were staying in Asia, where their parent's covens were at the time of the attacks from the Doves.

I took over Nate's Alpha King this month as he grieved his friend's death. I didn't mind even though the workload was a lot because I had to announce that there were enemy supernatural creatures. Of course, there were questions about these issues. Still, I had set a day for an all-Alphas meeting to discuss the danger we were now all in, which would be a day after we trail Jay, Eleanor, Jasmine and Isaac for their crimes.

As much as they helped us in the fight against the Doves, Maxim and the elders wanted justice for those who lost their lives because of their selfish desires. This trail was happening tomorrow as today, Alexandra was taking the vampires staying in the palace to their new hideaway with another vampire coven. Of course, they won't tell us their protection and ours, and it was fine, but we had an agreement that we kept in the contract.

I was with Hades as he said farewell to his friends, "It was nice meeting you, Hades." Victoria said, stretching her hand out for a handshake. I was about to laugh at how adorable they were being formal with each other.

"Same," Hades said, shaking Victoria's hand and then Grace's. "Hopefully, one day we meet again," he said, and they nodded. Now I know why Hades was enjoying their company cause they were like him.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, realizing one of the pure-blood children was here; I glanced at Alexandra, who was waiting for Victoria and Grace. "Alexandra, where's Simon?" I asked.

She chuckled, then pointed at the SUV the children were going to be riding in, "He's already inside; he can't be out in the sun." She said with a warm smile. It was autumn season, but there was some sunlight out here; I heard from someone that Simon was sensitive to sunlight, which was one of the reasons why the children were indoors. Maybe it was true, and why?

"Okay, little children, we should be on the road already," Alexandra said, clapping her hands to gain their attention. She glanced at me, "Thank you, Laura, for everything you've done for us." She said.

"It's nothing," I said, slightly shaking my head.

She turned her gaze to Maxim, who appeared out of nowhere, "take care of them until I arrive," he said, then looked down at Victoria and Grace. "You two behave and also tell Simon. Okay?" He said to them; they nodded and waved goodbye to Hades again, then followed Alexandra to the SUV.

We watched Alexandra help the girls into the car, then closed the door and waved at us as she opened the driver-side door and jumped in. The minute she turned the car engine on, the other SUVs followed suit. Two pulled out first, Alexandra followed them, and the four other SUVs followed behind. When all the cars were finally out of sight, I glanced down at Hades, "Sorry, your friends had to go." I said.

He glanced at me and shrugged his tiny shoulders, "There's one can do; people come, and people go." He said, turning his heels, then walked back inside the palace.

Was he trying to make a brave face?

"You have an interesting son," Maxim said. I glanced up at him; I forgot he was still there. I thought he returned after seeing his coven leaving, "I must say, he has greatness in his future."

I chuckled, "Do you see the future?" I asked, and he shook his head 'no'. Then, within a blink of an eye, he was gone. "His softening up," I said softly, followed Hade's suit in heading back into the palace. I had to prepare for tomorrow's trial. I knew it would be a tiring event because of Jay's involvement with everything.

I wished things wouldn't have gone this way, but it did. Also, I had to tell everyone that I was now a moon goddess. It would be an awkward conversation, especially with my family, because they would be around during the Alpha meeting. They couldn't come earlier to meet the twins because of what was happening; I hated that I broke my mother's heart when I told her they needed to cancel their trip. But she and the others understood.

As I walked into the palace, I noticed someone was standing in my way, causing me to gasp in surprise. When I lifted my gaze, I realized it was Jay. As much as he was a criminal, he was given a room in the palace just like the others because they showed they could be trusted. "Are you planning your escape?" I asked jokingly as I calmed my heart.

He chuckled, "If I were, I would be already gone, but I wanted to talk to you before tomorrow's trial. I've noticed that the annoying god of death isn't around. That would mean that..." As he said this, I looked away; I didn't want to think about that night as much as it was the right thing to do; I was still disgusted at myself. "Thank you, Laura..." I looked back at him, and he smiled warmly and widely. "The witches and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts for avenging our loved ones."

"I never thought killing someone for the first time would make one feel unease and hurt as well," I said softly. "As much as she had done those things, she was still my grandmother and had a right to her life." I glanced down at my hands, remembering the blood that was on my hands. "Her body disappeared in my hands, and I just stood there in shock--"

Jay placed his hand on my shoulder, "It must be difficult to move on, but what happened, happened."

I rolled my eyes, "easy for you to say."

He smirked, "You're now goddess, and I see a good future for the werewolves." I narrowed my gaze at him, reminding him about the threat. "Despite there being Doves hunting our heads. Laura, don't overthink the situation; at least you'll be ready when it happens." That said, he turned his back to me and walked to the other room.

I sighed to myself, then walked towards the stairs. Before I took my first step, Nate called me from the top of the stairs, "Laura?" I glanced up at him and smiled at him; he looked better than that day when he came back from the mission, but I still felt the ache in his heart for John. He walked down the stairs and took my hand, "Let's walk outside." He said as he gently dragged me outside.

We went outside; he still held my hand and was silent as we strolled down the stone path that led to the side garden. Finally, Nate said, "Thank you, Laura, for everything..." I glanced up at him as we strolled, "Thank you for being my mate and staying with me after everything I've done to you. Thank you for being my Queen; you have a brave and kind heart for everyone who is our people and those who are not."

He stopped and turned to me, lifting my other hand to his chest, "Thank you for being the mother of our three beautiful children and doing everything in your power to protect them, even from your grandmother." I gasped in shock, and he pulled me into a warm embrace.

"How did you find out?" I asked.

He chuckled softly, "I felt something changed within you like you gained power, and also, that annoying so-called 'God of Death' wasn't around annoying the hell out of us in the palace." I chuckled, too, then wrapped my arms around him, taking in his scent of pinewood and ash. "I love you, Laura, and I'm grateful."

"I love you too," I whispered.

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