Dove Hideaway (Part Two)

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Nathan's POV

Liz's team and mine had made it to the fourth floor. We still found more Doves in our way, firing at us like they didn't care, but the fourth floor was for Liz's team to cover. That meant the fifth floor was for the team, and maybe Maxim and I would finally bump into the very she-devil that started this whole mess and ended her. "Where could she be hiding!?" Maxim growled next to me.

We reached the top floor. It was dead quiet and empty. It looked like an open room where these Doves would meet like they were in a business meeting. It was dark, but we must not put our guard down, "let's move in..." I muttered; Maxim and I pushed ourselves off the wall we were hiding behind and slowly walked in. As Maxim and I passed the doorframe, a hissing was behind me. I glanced over my shoulder, and the door slammed down, locking the rest of my team out.



I heard them calling out from the other side of the door. I was about to turn and figure out how to open the door, but Maxim grabbed my shoulder and stopped me. I snapped my gaze at him, and he shook his head and then nodded to the front. I glanced there, and a growl vibrated under my breath when I saw her standing there with a grin.

"Maxim? Nathan?" Rebekah said our names with venom laced in her tone. She folded her arms across her chest and glared at us. "I'm surprised you are both working together; when the vampires were weakened, you sided with them instead of protecting them from the witches. It was a beautiful sight to see; I mean, I was surprised, and it was entertaining." She laughed darkly.

I never thought I would meet the rumoured crazy Rebekah, mother of the Vampire King, John. I had seen paintings of her done by the late vampire King; in his eyes, she was this sweet, innocent angel, but before I saw a monster. A woman willing enough to kill her son because of her self-hatred for being turned into a vampire.

"It ends here, Rebekah!" I snarled, glaring at her and tightly clenched on the gun's grip. I felt my wolf wanting to come out and rip her head off and put this whole mess to an end.

She bowed and laughed, "You think you can end this?" She asked, sighing. She shook her head and then grinned devilishly. "Oh, Lycan, this is just the beginning of it all. My Doves are flying free, and they are ready to fight. They will end all the world's demons, and the vampires were just the start."

There was a tense silence between us in the room, "I'm a woman of combat; I don't believe in weapons between strong beings because the devil has given them the powers of sin to be greater than a mere human. Maxim and I are turned vampires, and Nathan, you are lycan. We all have strength and speed, so let's use them against each other." Rebekah said as her black leather jacket slid down her arms, and she threw it to the other side of the room.

Suddenly, I heard a heavy material drop to the ground, and I glanced over to Maxim, realizing he removed his belt that carried his guns and bullets. I wasn't surprised to see him agreeing to Rebekah's requests because he was also a man of combat. However, he had one right hand. Was he going to remember not to use his left? I, too, unbuckled my gun belt, and it dropped straight to the ground as I threw the gun I had in my hand to the ground; a grin graced my face. I was happy to release my wolf, especially this time in battle finally, and I knew I wouldn't hold myself back.

"Good," Rebekah clapped her hands as her eyes turned blood red, and she grinned, revealing her fangs. "Before we start, let me just say my son, Theophilus, is good; he never failed to disappoint his mother during his stay. His cries, pleas, and begging were pleasing to watch." She began to chuckle.

I growled in anger, feeling my teeth sharpen and my nails grow into claws. I took a step, but Maxim placed his hand on my chest. "Let me," he said coldly, keeping his dagger gaze straight at her. I wanted to yell about him, but then I knew he wanted to take her alone because he wanted vengeance for his King. His King. I sneered in anger, nodded, and then took a step back.

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