chapter 8: year 7

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The world was at war.

People were dying everyday.

Families were dying. 

Friends were dying.

Love ones were dying. 

People were going missing. 

Family was missing. 

Friends were missing. 

And Bree couldn't do anything about it. 

Dear Bree, 

I can’t tell you much. Or where we are. But Me, Ron, Harry and Hermione won’t be at Hogwarts this year. We are on a mission. We  are trying to stop this war before anyone else gets killed. I don’t know if you will see us again as this mission may kill us. So goodbye Bree. Protect Teddy (when they’re born), the lupins and everyone for me. Please make sure Roxie and Leo don’t die. Please don’t do anything reckless. 

Love your sister”

As soon as Bree read the letter, the letter set itself on fire, leaving a pale of ashes at their feet. The letter arrived just as Bree was about to leave to get on the train to go back to Hogwarts to protect their friends and girlfriend. But that letter changed everything. They couldn't go back now. They needed to go find Sophia and Hermione. They needed to make sure they don't die. 

Bree was so clouded by this thought that they didn't even notice the POP of someone apparating away. But what they did hear was crying. Tonk's crying.  ‘Who hurt my bonus Ren?’ Bree thought before storming into the living room to find Tonks on their knees crying their eyes out. Bree quickly kneeled next to them and wrapped their arms around Tonks as Tonks leaned into them. “What happened?” Bree asked but got no response. That's when they noticed Remus was nowhere to be found. Anger slowly built up in Bree again as they asked a question they already knew the answer to. “Where is moomy?” 

“H-he left us” 

“WHAT? …… why?” 

“H-he … he said he couldn't  be a father” 

“But he already is one to me” 

“I said that. But he said ….. that  he isn't biologically related to you…. Like he is to this one. That…. It's unsafe to be around this one. T-that it will be a monster like him. H-he said he regretted marrying me” 

“Oh wait until I get my hands on you Remus John Lupin!”  

“Bree…. Please don't leave” 

“I …. I am not going anywhere Ren. I'm going to stay right here with you. I'm not leaving like moomy”

So Bree stayed to protect their Bonus Ren and their unborn siblings. They learn protection spells and put them on the house. She made sure to always have their wand on their person. Sure they were happy to protect Tonks and the child but they were still worried about Fauna, Eileen, Hermione and Sophia. They tried to get letters to Hogwarts to Fauna and Eileen to make sure they were safe. But the letters always came back unopened. That worried them even more. And they had no idea where Hermione and Sophia were. They had to rely on the radio to tell them who had died or not.  

"With Albus Dumbledore dead, the death eaters have taken over Hogwarts. Severus Snape is now the headmaster. He has fired all muggleborn teachers. He has hired new teachers who are death eaters.  The students are in danger. Especially those who still believe in Dumbledore's army. 
Death eaters are everywhere killing tons of people. And tons of muggleborns and muggles have gone missing. 
But where's our hero?
Harry Potter, the boy who lived, has disappeared. Leaving us in this mess. Maybe he isn't much of a hero after all and we are all going to die. 
That's all from me for now. Stay safe. 
I'll hand over to trickster for the list of everyone who has died so far. 
Here's the list of people who have died so far. Our hearts go out to their families and friends. 

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