𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝒾𝓋𝑒

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They sat in their cosy hut, reviewing biology together for their final exam.
Charlotte was munching on dark chocolate as usual, lying on her stomach.

"You know, there will be a prom after the final exams," she remarked, and he nodded, focusing on studying only. "Will you go?" She inquired. "No," he replied.

"I don't want to either. But, my mother told me once when I refused to meet my extended family that creating memories is very important," she said, but he didn't respond.

"Fine. If you don't go, I won't," she declared, for some reason forgetting what her mother said once to her
"What if..." Johnathan suggested. "We inject my fear gas on Alex and Bo? I've been planning that for a while," He asked, and her eyes sparkled, and she grinned.

"That would be awesome! Oh!!" She rolled around and sat upright. "We could do it at the prom while they are happy and satisfied. Their fears will surprise them out of nowhere."

"Yes, that's a brilliant idea, Charlotte. While everyone is watching us now, they all know who will inject them," Johnathan said Sarcastically.
"They don't have to see us. We could...make them run behind us, and then we could run away, leading them to here...and you could release the gas," she imagined, and he looked at her, considering it.
Johnathan nodded in agreement. Charlotte extended her fist, and Johnathan bumped his fist against hers.

"So I will stay here during the prom, and you could... try to provoke them or something and run until you reach the hut," he proposed.
"So I will go alone?" She queried, and he nodded.

"I have a better idea," she said, and he hummed. "I could create a pressure pad that will release the gas once they step on it, so you could go with me to the prom," she suggested. "Can you?" He asked, forgetting that he said he didn't want to go when she said she wanted to go with him. she nodded. "But that is so complex," he said. "Not for me," she winked, and he scoffed. "The same way creating a fear gas for me is complex, but for you, it's not," she countered. "Fair enough, but you need money to do that."

"Did your grandmother leave money in the house?" She asked.
"I don't know....let's go there," he pulled her arm, making her stand up when he stood up.

"I told you millions of times to not do that! It's irritating!" She shouted, she really detested it when he pulled her suddenly. "And I told you I'm never going to stop doing that, darling," he opened the door, and Charlotte blushed lightly at the word "Darling."


"Charlotte, I don't like that," Johnathan was being dragged by Charlotte to their hut.
"Shh," she replied, and he rolled his eyes. "I don't like surprises," he grumbled.

Charlotte abruptly stopped and pointed at the ground. "Stand here," she smiled widely, trying not to laugh. "Why?"
"Just do it, Crane!" Charlotte yelled.
He rolled his eyes, and as he stepped on the part where she was pointing at, a ton of water splashed into his face.

Charlotte laughed hysterically and fell to the ground. Johnathan wiped his face using his palm and sighed.
"That's what you get when you underestimate me, Crane," she laughed, looking up at him. "Not only did I create a pressure pad, but I also made it blend with the ground, and it could splash water, not just gases," she said proudly. He narrowed his eyes at her.

He suddenly lifted her off the ground, and he placed her over his shoulder, her stomach resting on his shoulder. "Hey!" she wriggled around. He threw her in the lake and she screamed.

He crossed his arms as he saw her emerge from the water. She gasped for air. Opening one eye, she saw him smirk. "That's what you get when you underestimate me," he mimicked her. "I hate you!" She yelled as she got out of the water. "No, you don't," he replied.

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