Chapter 1

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The Door of my Room opens, croaking as if it hadn't been opened in years. The Floor is empty, you can almost see the sorrows and all of the tears, wheeping through the halls.

My Head shows me to the Door, leading my body to the rooftop. Slowly, I drag my Body up the stairs, the sound of bare foods penetrate in my ear. In my head, all of my thoughts disappeared, vanished into Air.

A black space is taking my sight, causing me to fall. I don't care about the cold feeling creeping up my knees, as they land on one of the steps of the Stairs, I don't care about my Body forcing itself to continue its way. I only think about one single thing.

Please... Forgive me.

Kel's POV

It has been two Months since Sunny died, committing suicide by jumping of the hospitals rooftop.

It has been two Months of me missing him. As he decided to leave all of his worries crush him, as he decided to just leave everything. It's like a little Part of myself just died with him.

"Kelsey! Please, the Noise of the Kettle is making your sister cry, turn it of already!"

The stinging Voice of my Mother tears me out of the thoughs, building a big storm in my head.

"Sorry Mom, I'll turn it off immediately"

My fingers are struggling to turn off the Kettle, which was supposed to boil me some hot water, so I could make my Mum a black tea. Her favorite, it calms her down when Sally is screaming again. My little Sister is growing her first teeth, that's why she is loud all of the time, stressing our Mother out completely.

Finally, the annoying sound of the Kettle stops, I didn't even realize how loud it really was.

My Hands reach out to one of the cups, which stand directly next to the Boiling Machine. Carefully, I pour some of the hot Water into the little vessel, before giving in the Tea Bag.

Now I only need a Spoon and one of the little bags of sugar, which we got from Othermart, then I can bring my Mum her drink.

The Spoon is what I find easily, my problem is the sugar. Where did Hero put the little sugar cones before he left to college a week ago? "Hey Mum, were are the sugar packs?" I shout, hoping my mother could hear that. After all, she's sitting in the dining room, which is just one door away from the kitchen.

"Try find it yourself, I'm really busy right now with your sister!" I sight at this Answer, while continuing to look for the sugar. Of course I understand and forgive my Mum for not even trying to help, Sally's just stealing all of her last nerves.

Finally, I find the Sugar Cones. They lied in the same place, were we keep our sweets, like chocolate or some other kinds of candy, donuts for example. As I'm picking up the thing I was looking for, my eyes are laying on these donuts, being packed up in some kind of plastic.

Sunny and I always used to share one of these packages, because there were two chocolate and two strawberry donuts. My Friend than ate the ones with fruit flavor and I ate the others. I must say, I also liked the pink ones more, but at the same time, I enjoyed Sunnys Smile when he ate the strawberry donuts more then the flavor itself.

Now that I got all the things I need, my Hands grab the still hot cup, the Spoon and the Sugar Cones I take with the other hand and then walk into the Dining Room.

"Here you go Mum!" My mouth widens to a kind smile, while she smiles back at me. Under her Eyes, her Skin has dark stripes, coming from the fact she doesn't sleep enough. "Thanks Kelsey. What would I do without you?"

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