Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"How do you Like the fruits? I picked them for us Just a few minutes ago"

Mari looks at me with a dazzling smile on her face, really interested in what my answer will be. I just nod, symbolizing that I do like the fruits. My sister knows that I don't speak much, so she's as happy over my nod as if I had told her.

With her free hand she pets me on the head, ruffling my hair. The girl finishes a grape with a smile, then looking at me with her big, black eyes.

"How about we go to Otherworld together? Last time you were there you defeated Captain Spaceboy all by yourself! And you found the special mixtape, remember? I helped you, but most of the parts you did alone."

Mari waits for my answer and again, I just nod my head. The beautiful smile appears on her face while she begins to pack all of her picknick stuff. Right, the last time I went there alone, but I don't know why I even did that.

As I think about it, a weird feeling grows in my stomach, as if I'm sensing something bad. A question rumors through my head, haunting every other though away.

Why was I in Otherworld in the first place?

Heros POV:

It was a bit surprising to see Basil at my house but I was really happy to see him again. I pull my little brother and my old friend into a big hug and I can nearly sense the warmth of the hugs we shared when we were still a bigger group. When Sunny and Mari where still alive.

I now let them both go, smiling like a little child. "So, how's everyone been?" I ask. Kel takes a quiet look at Basil and I can, for just a second, see his smile fading away, before he builds it up again.

"Everythings fine. Basil came to visit and stays with us for a few days" The blond boy nods and I pat him on the shoulder. Im happy to see Basil's doing fine, after all he wasn't in Faraway Town for a while. I'll be sure to do something with him. Maybe we can get Aubrey to us too and do something, as friends, like in the good old times.

I now get inside the house. It's just as I remembered it. Well, I was only gone for a month, but still. My mum likes to buy new things so you never know if the livingroom looks completely different from one day to another.

My parents come down the stairs as soon as they hear Kel shout that I'm here and I hug my mom and dad. Sally laughs at me so I pick her up and hug her tightly. "Wow, you grew so much Sally!" My little sister laughs again and then I let her back on the ground. The small girl already knows how to sit so she does exactly that.

"We're glad your Home again Henry" My mother says, stroking my arm, while my father takes care of his daughter. I just smile at her, explaining that I love to return home after a while.

"How about I cook you all something today?" I now offer. Kel's eyes immediately start to glow and Basil also looks at me with a warm smile. I remember that they both loved it when I cooked them something in the past. When I was a kid, I wanted to become a cook but my parents told me I should study something more useful, which is why I'm now on my way to become a doctor. But that won't stop me from preparing dinner for my family.

I walk straight to the kitchen. My apron is still hanging in the same corner as always. The kitchen counter is clean, wiped freshly and there are no dishes to be seen. Mom probably forced Kel to do all that, because she knew I would arrive one of those days. A little smirk pulls on my face, before I snap the apron from the hook. With a deft movement of my hand I tie it shut, not wanting my dark blue sweater to get dirty.

My eyes narrow the shelf where all my cookbooks stand. Even tho nobody ever uses them, they are still standing here. I just close my eyes and pick one of them. A skyblue cover falls into my hand, my fingers grab it and I look at it. 'Papa Chip's Chip-off-the-old-block cookbook' I stare at the cookbook. It's the one Kel and Sunny gave me as a gift for my return back Home. The Last thing my friend was able to give to me. My heart stings while I try to calm my trembling hand down.

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