Chapter 3

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It is completely quiet here, not a single sound reaches my ear. Not even the houling wind distracts me.

After just standing there for a minute, I finally take a step forward, leading me over the edge of the hospital roof.

Just then, memories flash through my head. Memories from four years ago, but also some from the week before I landed in the hospital.

Tears rise in my eyes as I remember all of my friends. Aubrey, Basil, Hero... Kel.

But non of these memories can forgive the thing I have done. The memories are more like evidence that I don't deserve to live.

But still, a thought of sadness flashes trough my mind, as I fight back the tears.

I'll miss you.

Kel's POV:

I sit next to my rotary dial telephone, waiting if Aubrey actually calls me back. I don't think she will, but I still give her a chance.

I'm sure, she's really angry because of me. She hates it that I... act like everything is normal, but that's just my way to get past this trauma.

I read about something a while ago, which just comes to my head now.

They say there a five stages of grief. The first on is denial, the second is anger, followed by bargaining, then depression and in the end we have acceptance. Guess I'm stuck in the first stage then, Aubrey is already in the second.

But I don't believe in these five stages anyway, that's just something someone came up with. When Mari died, I wasn't angry or deniing it.

This time, the situationen is different, very different. But still, I think those stages are just a thing someone brought up, so that people who lost a love one atleast have a little orientation on there feelings.

After ten minutes, I just accepted that Aubrey won't call me back, so I decide to just go out alone again. In fact, I only came home because I wanted to call Aubrey. But because she's not picking up, I'll just do something alone. Again. Like Always.

As I walk to the door, I realize Sally finally stopped screaming. Gladly, my mum can rest a bit, that makes me happy. Hero helped her alot, but now he got back to college. But in a few days, he will come back again, his college has a few free days there. I'm already exited when he comes back to Faraway Town. I'm sure Aubrey will also be happy to see him.

Quietly, I close the door behind me, feeling the warm wind of the last summer days on my skin. I love the summer, you can do so much different stuff, like going to the beach or hang out together.

As I think about hanging out with my friends, my head turns to the house besides ours. This belonged to Sunny and Maris Family.

After all that happend, there parents moved away from Faraway Town. The House is completely empty now, nobody has buyed it yet.

Surely they wouldn't have anything against me going into the backyard. Because that is what I'm planning to do now.

I just yearn for the beautiful memories we made at the tree house, which we build in Sunnys garden.

Slowly, I walk to the House. I still remember were our past neighbor's kept the second key to their house.

Sunnys mother left the house in such a rush, so I hope the key is still there. I walk to the second bush under one of the windows. In fact there is only one window, which has four bushes underneath it. And under the second of these plants, the key should be.

My Hand push the leefs aside and actually, the key is still there. A little damp soil sticks to the metal, but otherwise the object looks fine. I pick the key up and walk over to the door again.

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