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Dallas's POV:

    Something wasn't right. I could feel it the second she walked away. Who the hell beat her like that. She didn't even seem fazed by it. She looked numb and empty.

She yelled at me to go away but I followed her instead, not very close though. She was shaking walking up to her house, then she knocked.

Who the fuck knocks on their own door? That's when the man from the diner answered it. He grabbed the beer and she walked inside. The door shut but I still saw him shove her over.

My blood was boiling. Kylie may be a soc but nobody deserves that. It kills me that it happens to Johnny, but Kylie looked like she'd been hit by a bus, well more like a train. I slowly crept up to her house when I heard yelling. But not from Kylie, from her dad. I wish I could just run in their but her dad is huge. I mean did you see him in the diner. He could probably kill all of us with his hands.

I knew that if I went in there it would only end up worse for Kylie. So I waited. I waited a while, peaking my head through the curtains slowly to see if her dad was still awake. I couldn't see Kylie but I knew it was bad.

It didn't take too long for her dad to fall asleep, and that's when I creaked the door open. I guess he was too busy kicking her to lock it.

I saw legs sticking out behind the couch and walked over. It was her. She looked even worse than before if that's even possible. I don't mean she looks ugly.. just beat up ya know. I walked over and picked her up, making sure to be careful so I didn't wake her dad up. I swear I could just kill him right now. Then I walked out of her house and shut the door slowly. Then I not so slowly ran back over to my, well bucks, car and drove to the Curtis house.


Pony's POV-

I was finally drifting off to sleep when I heard a bunch of commotion outside. Me and Soda both got up to see what was going on.

"-t was terrible man. She could barely even walk." I heard Dallas say.

What is he even- that's when I saw her. She looked awful. I swear which ever soc did this was not going to live another day.

"What happened to her?" Soda asked.

As I looked around I noticed everyone was here. Johnny, Two, Steve, Dallas.

"It was her dad man." Dallas said with anger.

"Her dad did this?" Johnny looked like a ghost.

"Soda go get the first aid kit, Pony can you get me a washcloth." Darry ordered.

Everyone was running around trying to help when we heard a grunt.

Kylie's POV-

I could hear voices all around me but I couldn't open my eyes. That's when I felt someone poking at my bruises. I let out a grunt and remembered everything that happened.

I jumped up as fast as I could, which was a huge mistake. I ended up falling down on my knees clutching my stomach.

"Whoa there, someone help me pick her up." I heard.

I felt someone grab my arm but I shook it off instantly, crawling away from who ever was trying to grab me. I ended up backing into something or someone.

I still couldn't really make up where I was, my head was spinning. Someone grabbed me and lifted me up. Then brought me over to the couch.

I was still shaking a little but my vision was finally coming clear. I looked around and was met by the gang all staring at me.

Secrets- Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now