Hearts and Minds

521 19 3

1486, White Hall

No one POV

Margaret was looking out the window as she picked at her fingernails and the door opened and Maggie said "Meg."

Margaret turned around and said "What is it?" and Maggie said "The King has requested to see you."

Margaret looked back at her.

At Court

Margaret walked up and Henry looked at her and she looked back as she continued to pick at her nails but then put then by her side.

She smiled and Henry said "Are you well?" and Margaret said "Yes" and Henry touched her stomach and said "And do you have any news regarding my heir."

Margaret said "I am not with child as of yet, My apologies on the dissapointment you feel" and Henry said "There is none, you being younger is an advantage here, soon you will fall with child."

Margaret looked at him and Henry said "As we both want it."

Margaret said "But of course."

She sat down on the throne next to him as they watched the performance and Lady Margaret Beaufort walked up to Bishop Morton and said "Bishop Morton. Welcome to our court."

Bishop Morton said "I am most honored by his Grace, your son. I find myself appointed to the royal council and made Chancellor of England."

Lady Margaret said "God's will and ours are one."

Bishop Morton said "And the girl? Is she obedient?" and Lady Margaret said "She has a role to play, but not the mother."

After the performance was done, they clapped and Margaret walked up to Elizabeth and Elizabeth said "Your smile is almost convincing."

Margaret said "My face aches from it. And if I have to hear about his years in exile one more time And if I have to be asked one more time are you with child yet,  I think that I will choke him with the pheasant legs he has such a taste for."

Bishop Morton said "Henry. "

Henry said "Bishop Morton."

Margaret said "However will I keep it up for eight weeks on Royal Progress? In that time, if I'm not with child, where I will have to do it over and over again."

Elizabeth said "Don't be downcast. We shall make it work to our advantage. I just wish I was coming with you."

Lady Margaret walked up to them and said "Bishop Morton has arrived at court. I wish..." ad Elizabeth said "My daughter's dress is cutting in, we shall change it in her rooms, and visit the phsyician once more."

Margaret and Elizabeth walked away.

In the hall, Margaret was walking with Elizabeth and Elizabeth said "Royal Progress is our chance to flush out who is still for York. Our first contact is crucial as we'll know who else supports us. The De La Pools are out, they turned their coats so quickly they don't have a spine between them. The Staffords have refused to bend their knee to Henry but he knows them all as rebels so we cannot go to them."

Margaret said "Francis Lovell."

Elizabeth said "Lovell? I thought he had sworn fealty to Tudor?" and Margaret said "When Richard was King, I overheard him and Lizzie talking, He said that Francis Lovell was the purest whitest York in all of England. He said he would trust him with his life. No matter what he said or did to fool his enemies, he was a York right to his core."

Elizabeth said "Then Lovell is our man. Where can we find him?" and Margaret said "York...".

In the Council Room

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