The Pretender

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An: In this story, Margaret and Henry would have had three surviving sons, the second one, Edward, who would be born soon.

1487, England

Henry's Rooms

No one POV

Margaret was touching her stomach and Henry said "Arthur was born, merely a few months ago, and your already quick with child."

Margaret said "Well, this is a good thing, in the eyes of England, isn't it, it means that your line is strong."

Henry said "I suppose,and you, you feel well" and Margaret said "I do, well apart from the normal ill feeling, which happens in all pregnancies I feel well, I was wondering some" and Lady Margaret opened the door and said "Your uncle is returned from Burgundy. Quickly now."

Margaret said "That doesn't annoy you? Just a door between your room and hers?" and Henry said "Something's wrong."

Henry got up and walked away.

In Margaret's Room, Margaret was holding Arthur and smiled at him and said "Look, look, you want to put your hand there, that's your little brother or sister,yes."

Maggie walked in and said "Meg?" and Margaret turned around and Maggie said "I heard about the accident. I am sorry for our aunt...".

Arthur stared to gurgle and Margaret held him close and Maggie said "Could this not be good? For Teddy? If the Duchess turns against the Tudors, perhaps she'll send some men to rescue him..." and Margaret said "It is bad, Maggie. Henry is more fearful than before. The threat against the Tudors means my sisters must now also be locked away in marriages. We must all be turned to Tudors."

Maggie said "Me as well?" and Margaret said "You are another York princess whose children could be heirs."

Maggie said "Well, who will I be wed to?" and Margaret said "I don't know yet" and Maggie said "Will I live near Westminster? You'll not make me go away from Teddy?".

Margaret said "I have told Henry I shall influence the matches. His mother will not be let loose to match you all with beasts or peasants. I will make a stand against his mother. I will do my best for you."

In a room

Margaret walked in and Cecily said "Meg, look. This is me, the Queen, with my intended, John Welles. The pawns are our sisters and this is our cousin Maggie. And this is baby Arthur."

Margaret said "Arthur is too young to be betrothed."

Lady Margaret said "But the King has said that he will win for him the hand of the Spanish princess, Catherine of Aragon. Best ally to guard against your aunt."

Margaret said "We may discuss it but we will not bind him to it. I will choose Maggie's husband."

Lady Margaret said "It is decided."

Margaret said "Not by me and I am Queen. And I shall take the Queen's rooms now."

Lady Margaret said "She is to marry Henry's loyal commander, Richard Pole. The family have been notified."

Margaret said "Pole is beneath her. And you will move out today."

Cecily said "They say he is a vicious brute who lost his arm and half the fingers on his hand but still fought on!".

Lady Margaret said "The King has blessed the marriage and it is settled. As am I, in rooms the King gave me himself."

Margaret looked at her and then looked back at the table and held up the figurine of Jasper and picked it up and said "Jasper Tudor needs a wife. My mother's sister Kate is wealthy from her late husband and will bring funds to Henry's cause. I will suggest it."

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