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1492, Westminister Palace 

No one POV 

Margaret was walking down the hall with her children, Arthur, Edward, Henry and Margaret, she was holding Margaret and Henry's hands. While Arthur and Edward ran down. 

Margaret said "Alright, slow down, try to be a little slower" and Margaret smiled. 

At the Council Room  

Margaret was sitting down next to Henry as he read a letter from the Duchess and Margaret said "What is it?". 

Henry said"The Duchess writes on behalf of so-called "Prince Richard." Inviting the Queen and I to be her guests at court. " 

Lady Margaret said "She is shameless. You must refuse" and Henry said "Must I?  And here I was thinking what a pleasant trip it might be."

Lady Margaret said "Prince Richard? The whole world knows he died in the Tower years ago. The Duchess is either mad or a fool." 

Henry said "She's neither. Of course she knows the boy is an imposter. Like the last. What does it matter if she is able to convince people otherwise?". 

Margaret grabbed his hand and said "The people of England support you. Do not doubt that." 

Henry looked back at her. 

Jasper said "There are rumors, Your Grace, of... nobles in the southern counties planning to flee to Burgundy." 

Lady Margaret said "We shall close the ports." 

Sir William scoffs and said "And stop all trade, all legitimate travel because of a rumor? England would be up in arms. " 

Henry said"I agree. It is too drastic. The world would think I acted out of fear." 

Lady Margaret said "How will you respond?". 

Later, At Court 

Margaret looked to see Maggie walking in with Richard Pole and Henry said "The Duchess of Burgundy has invited me to be a guest at her court. I have decided that I shall send you in my stead." 

Richard Pole said "Of course, Your Grace. I would be honored to do-" and Henry said "No. I meant your wife, My Lady Pole." 

Maggie said "Me, Your Grace?" and Henry said " The two of you together." 

Maggie said "But, Your Grace, I've never met my cousin Richard." 

Henry said "Surely you would recognize your own kin, would you not? Who better to expose this boy as a pretender than his own cousin? How do you respond, My Lady?". 

At the Gardens 

Maggie and Margaret were walking together, as Edward, Henry Pole, and Princess Margaret and Prince Henry and Arthur played together. Margaret said "The princes and princess have missed their cousin. As I have missed mine. All is well in Wales? A Tudor husband is not so horrible after all." 

Maggie said "I do not think of us as York or Tudor. We are a family. A happy one. Or would be, if my brother could be with us. And you? Here with the King?". 

Margaret said "Every day he puts a fresh red rose and white rose into the Queen's rooms for me. Much has changed between us. Ours too is now a happy union. Please don't be nervous, Maggie. The Duchess may he persuasive to some, but she has proved she will stop at nothing to bring an imposter against my husband." 

Maggie said "I am pleased the King has so much faith in me." 

Margaret said "If you have any doubts, you must raise them only to me." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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