Chapter 1

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After Bella gave birth the two eldest babies weren't named because Edward saw that Renesmee was the one who he heard in the womb. Once Bella woke up they introduced them to her. Esme held the girl and Edward held their first born, the boy. "I was thinking of the name Jaxon for our son and we could use EJ as his middle name." "Jaxon EJ Cullen? Has a nice ring to it I guess. What about our other daughter?" Bella replied. "Maybe Sierra?" Edward suggested. "How about Aubrey Sierra Cullen?" Bella smiled thinking of the time Edward told her about his mother and sister who died of the influenza. It looked like if Edward could cry he would be right now. Bella got to hold each of them before Jacob came up while she was holding her youngest child. "Alright, I think that's enough for now." he said trying to take Renesmee from her mother. "What wrong with you Jacob?" When Bella was told Jacob imprinted on Renesmee she went all ballistic and attacked him saying she was just a baby but then got over it once Jacob explained. The triplets were asleep in their small bassinets while their parents were left alone to explore their new family home which had a separate room for each of the triplets.
The next morning
"Done already?" Emmett asked with a smirk teasing the couple that just walked into the dining room. "Where are the triplets?" Bella asked. "Let's see, Blondie has Renesmee, Alice stole Jaxon to dress him up and Esme and Carlisle are baking with little Aubrey." Just then the phone rang and Bella automatically new who it was, Charlie, her loving yet awkward father. "He's been calling for the past few days." Edward muttered "He's in rough shape bella." Jacob added. "Yeah, I'll call him later." Bella announced. "Well, I'm gonna miss this place." Emmett commented as he scooted out of his chair. "We'll come back as we always do." Edward mentioned. "Hold up you're leaving." Jacob asked befuddled. "Once people think Bella is dead we can't risk anyone seeing her or us." A floury Carlisle entered the room with his twin, his granddaughter, Aubrey in his arms also flushed in flour."So what, you just leave?" "Jacob we have no other choice." Edward bargained. "We'll see." he muttered as he exited the house. "What happened to you?" Rosalie asked as she strolled into the house with a sleeping Renesmee, the question intended for her adopted father. "Aubrey helped her grandma bake." Esme said coated in flour aswell. "Didn't you Brebre. You did huh." Carlisle cooed to which she giggled to and gave him a gummy smile as she reached for his hair to play with which he let her do as he brought his grandaughter to give her a bath. "Look whose dressed up!" Alice danced into the dining area with little Jaxon.

Edward and Bella had big smiles on their face as they saw how much love was shown to their babies

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Edward and Bella had big smiles on their face as they saw how much love was shown to their babies.

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