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few hours went by, and the sun was setting down.

the new husbands were now dancing together, a little tipsy. felix had a beautiful headdress of flowers on his head, making him look even more beautiful and majestic. hyunjin had his eyes on Felix all day, admiring him.
he just couldn't believe that felix was his.
he was smiling from ear to ear, someone could even think he was crazy.

minho was sitting on the sand, looking at the sun that was just about to set, enjoying the sound that waves made when they arrived on the land.
it was peaceful.

everyone was having fun a little farther away, while he was here, watching the sunset.

suddenly, he heard someone coming his way.

he turned his head, and his eyes set on a boy, making his way to him.

jisung sat next to minho.
"what are you doing here?"

"watching the sunset. how are the husbands doing?"
minho asked.

"little drunk, they are dancing together right now. they seem really happy."

minho hummed in response, looking at the sunset.

"how are you feeling?" minho asked, looking at the boy.

"me? oh, exhausted from all the people, but okay."

"I'm glad." minho said and turned back to look at the sea.

there was a comfortable silence after that.
the two boys were looking at the sunset, listening the sounds that the sea made.

Han closed his eyes, feeling at peace.

"I love you, Han."

hans eyes opened and he looked at minho.

"I know that you don't probably love me back, but I needed to say it to you at least once."

hans eyes filled with tears.
he wasn't sure if they were happy or sad tears.
I mean, did he love minho?
he wasn't sure.
he could never be sure.
but there was so many things that just made him feel like....

"minho, I-"

"I told you that I know you don't love me back, and I respect it."


"I understand that you weren't yourself when you told me those things, so it's okay."

"minho, I-"

"It's okay, I understand."

"minho let me talk, will ya!" Han said.

minho shut his mouth and looked at Han.

Han sighed and looked at the sea.
"It's true that I don't exactly know if the feelings that I feel towards you are love. I'm not good at handling or knowing my emotions, but you know that. you always knew, and yet, you're here, telling me that you love me, even tho it's hard for you to love me. you know, even tho I'm not sure what those feelings I have for you are, I'm 100% sure that I care about you more than anyone, and I'm also 100% sure that I would do everything for you. hell, I would even die for you minho if it was necessary. I feel like I wouldn't feel like this towards someone that I don't love, or like at least."

Han sighed and looked at minho, their eyes meeting.
Han went closer and took Minhos hand.
he kept staring at their connected hands as he finished his little speech.

"we have been trough a lot together, minho. maybe the feelings I have for you are just the attachment that I've built towards you trough the years.
but at the same time, when I met you again after those three years, I felt something inside me,
like...a hope, that things could get right between us, and I could get back the person I cared about the most. It's true that I was skeptical at first, because you hurt me, and I was afraid you will do it again.
it's true that when I stopped taking my meds, I stopped being so afraid and just went for it, and I always spoke what was on my mind. but I know that I felt happy when I was with you, and trust me when I say that I don't like you just as a friend. it's true that I wasn't exactly sure what I was doing then, but I wouldn't just develop feelings for someone I didn't have feelings for before in this period of time.
if you're able to....give me some time to try and find out what exactly these feelings are, I promise that I will give you all my love. but I understand if you can't do that, and that you don't want to wait.
it's your choice."
Han said and looked at Minho, who had tears in his eyes.

"Han, I feel like I've been in love with you ever since the time I first laid my eyes on you. my feelings never went away, even when we broke up. I thought they did, but when I saw you again,
it was just like....all of my feelings towards you came back. so trust me when I say that I will wait for you, and that I will be here for you, helping you on this way to get to know those feelings you have towards me, because you won't get rid of me. I will always be here, if you like it or not."
minho said and smiled at the younger.

both of them were sitting on the sand, holding each other's hands and getting lost in the others eyes.

minho sighed and pulled jisung into his embrace.

they were hugging for a while, but the position they were in wasn't comfortable, so after a while, minho pulled away.

but it wasn't enough for jisung.
he craved physical affection.
and he was going to get it.

with his pouty lips, he straddled minhos lap and buried his head in minhos neck, wrapping his arms around minhos waist, holding him with all his force.

all mimho could do was allow him to do this, and when jisung got finally comfortable, minho wrapped his hands around jisung too.

this position was so much comfortable, and if they didn't need anything, I'm pretty sure they would stay in this position forever.

eventually, jisung pulled his head up.
his face was so close to minhos now.

the two boys didn't move, they continued admiring each other.

Minhos eyes traveled all around jisungs face, until they set on his lips.

without any thinking, he connected their lips in a sweet and gentle kiss, expressing his love to jisung.

even tho jisung was a little surprised at first, he almost immediately gave in and let his lips move in sync with minhos.

they put all of the unspoken feelings in the kiss, expressing them.
they both felt it.

after a while, they pulled away, and they stared into each others eyes.

"we should probably get back. we're at a wedding, and we're the best men. what if hyunjin and Felix are looking for us?"
Han said and chuckled.

"I don't think they're looking for us, they are too busy staring at each other."
minho said.

"well.....true, but still!"

Minho chuckled and placed a quick peck on hans lips.
"okay, let's go. I really want to eat some cake pops."

guess who is back with a new chapter 😍
sorry for not updating, I had to take care of my editing account on tik tok, because ever since Ive started writing fan fictions, I have less and less time to edit😭👍🏻

but don't worry, I made like ten edits, so I'm safe for few days💅

bye my loves, enjoy Christmas 😘

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