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Roshanne sat by the side with the other noble ladies as well as some of her father's concubines, lady Clementine sats besides her, though they are not that close, lady Clementine has always had the habbit of annoying her.

"Yesterday's event had stir quiet a trouble within the inner circle." Lady Clementine began, Roshanne already knows that she would open up this topic about the nobles that she ordered to be arrested for slandering and harassing Dae.

"Noble lords and ladies alike questions your actions for choosing the side of the bronze cunt over your own subjects." Roshanne only smiles when lady Maud spoke before taking a sip of her tea, Roshanne had already noticed their foul mood since earlier, some of them didn't fawn over her like they usually do. Roshanne find funny, because they think of her as someone stupid who will beg them if they pretend to lose interest in her. But she couldn't be careless. They are of no importance.

" As much as we hate her, it is important to remember that she is a daughter of a strong lord. The former king of Lysos is a formidable force, his kingdom managed to held long against us despite being a small kingdom, the war with them cost us more than the war we have against the Kingdom of Adari." She explained to them watching their reaction, the lower ladies didn't gave her a pleasant reaction, some of the other nobles though have already guess what she's meaning to say, the Marchioness remain nonchalant with the conversation, but Roshanne knew she's listening.

"Insulting her is insulting her Kingdom, she maybe a savage, and simple minded, but let us remember that her brother is already here, she may not pay any close attention to the way she is treated here, but her brother isn't, the accident that happened yesterday could be taken as an insult, lord Frederick might think we are belittling them." She added before casting a quick glance to where Dae is, she is now having a very quiet conversation with the 14th princess, and the youngest princess. Adelaide, she is a daughter from one of her father's former paramour, though that woman already died when the princess was only seven, The king for some miracle took pity with the girl and adopted her, making her his legitimate daughter.

Among all of Roshanne's siblings, the Young princess is the only cordial sibling she have.

"Still princess, don't you think your punishment is a bit to harsh? Lord Borrow's son have suffered a great injury from lord Alastair when he broke his arm." Roshanne's brow raised, she looks at Alastair who's talking to a couple of young ladies along with his fellow knights, probably wooing them.

"The lady Dae will soon became a part of the royal family, insulting her is like insulting the power of the Royal Family and the king himself." She heard lady Clementine scoff, so she turns to look at her.

"She isn't still a part, so that law won't work on her." Lady Clementine sounded so bitter, she's still moody about the fact that she had been ignored by the king, that she is no longer his favorite. It's truly amusing to see her act like a child who's toy had been confiscated.

"It's only right that we start implementing and practicing the law early. Don't you think? Should we wait until more make the same mistake? Should we wait for the king to see it himself before we take action? Remember, the king is a Fickle man, you will not know what will be his next move. He could ignore you today for insulting his wife then kill you the next day for doing the same against his favorite concubine. We are doing an intervention lady Clementine, to avoid accidents like that." She finishes, hoping she got the message across clear.

" But still, that woman is far below us, even a common folk from the king's street could be treated more respectfully than her... Just look at her." Everyone looked at Dae who's still unaware that she is being the topic of the conversation in most circle, Roshanne smiles a little when she saw her laughing, t'was rare to see, and seeing her smile makes her feel light. She's adjusting well. She'll just have to train her more. For her to be able to carry on.

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