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It was tiring she thought, her cheeks hurts from all the smiling and pleasantries she has to share with her guest, her feet aches from standing far too long than shes used too, she never anticipated for her wedding to be this tiring as well as disastrous, Dae now sits at the corner of the great hall, surrounded by noble ladies, they were striking a conversation with her in a show of formality as well as respect, but Dae had already realize that they were doing it just to get a look at her... The noble ladies would look at her from head to toe, with their eyes squinted. She was like an exotic animal to them, she was great spectacle. Dae looked around to try and see a familiar figure she was trying to see, the sun had already set giving way to the moon yet the future sun of the kingdom hadn't graced her yet, except during the wedding when she officiated them, princess Roshanne hadn't come to her to congratulate her. But it didn't take long for her too see her... Because wherever the princess was there will always be light, she was always glowing, and it was never hard to see her. A small smile crosses her lips when she saw conversing with a young lady, the princess had a smile on her lips which is rare, her brother, sir Alastair stood by her side, If they were seen by people who doesn't know them, they would look very much like a couple... They look good together she thought.

And Dae felt a little jealous for it... Why do they look good together? Why can't the princess look good with her? Was it because she's a woman too? Or was it because she lacks the confidence it takes to be able to stand by the princess side.

"Tell me lady Dae, what does your kingdom look like?" Dae's attention was snatched from the golden heirs and she looks at lady Ruby who's eating cakes besides her. She smiles at her.

"The kingdom of Lysos is a kingdom situated at the entrance of the desert, so there was very few trees and our soil is surrounded by red soils, making it hard to plant crops, only the villages of Cart, Qoron and Palwan are fertile, so it makes our stock of crops small making us rely on meat heavily." She told her... Those were the knowledge she had gain from her maids back in the tower as well as from what she can see from her tower.

"Really? But red soils are a rare thing, and was sought after by countless artists." Dae nods her head.

"The red clays are made from our red soils... It has a good quality for sculpting, my people are known sculpture." She smiles at her. The lady looked intrigued.

"Then perhaps you know how to sculpt too?" She inquires more.

"Ah yes... It was a good hobby of mine back there." She told her, before looking down at her hands.

"Is it true though?" Someone else spoke from the crowd, a woman wearing a giant ruby necklace spoke from across her. She's covering has her face with her fan.

"That you are locked in a tower? Because you are a witch's daughter." Her blood drains from her face when the woman asked that question, a question she dreaded to answer.

"My... My father did that to protect me." She told her, choosing her next words very carefully.

"And no, my mother is not a witch but a Sakran woman, a nomadic group of people who lives in the desert." She told her, the woman only squinted her eyes.

"But Sakran are known as nomadic pagans, they worship the dark beings and the dark lords. Not the Gods. And they practice black magic. If you are from a union of two distinct people that doesn't posses any godly blood in their veins.. then how will you be able to give his Majesty the golden children he wanted?." Dae swallowed. They believe that her children would not bear any golden sign, because of her blood, it will be diluted.

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