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Princess Roshanne

She didn't expect for the trial to happen so early in the morning. She was awoken by Odette informing her that the king had summon all his subjects to the court room for a trial.

She was also made aware that lady Dara was arrested in her room long before the sun peaked from the mountains. Knights stormed the Harem and she was dragged from her bed, she wasn't even wearing a proper clothes.

"The king was clearly mad." Odette spoke as she help her prepare. She will be sitting by the bench, just watching. Hoping that Dae would not forget what she wanted for her to do.

"Lady Helena had also fallen Ill." Odette whispered the last part to her, Making her look at her.

"Late last night... Before she went to sleep,after she had taken the tea.... Neviska did her job." Roshanne smiled and nods her head.

"And the escape goat?" She asked her.

"Have already been dealt with. The robins are doing their job, whispering and spreading the news, until it had reached the King's ear. It was the reason why Lady Dara had been harshly treated." Odette filled in for her.

" Good,that is good." She stated nodding her head. Now this should all go according to her plans. She stood up once Odette was done fixing her hair.

"Give me the sun drop, I shall wear it today." She told her and Odette opened the drawers of her night stand where she keep her jewelry. Sun drop is a pair of earrings that was once owned by her mother, but ever since she succumbed to madness, all her jewelry was given to Roshanne. She wear the sun drop and looked at herself in the mirror. It was clear to say that Roshanne is enjoying this.... Because she looks like she's going to attend a ball rather than attend a trial hearing.

"Princess.... Prince Alastair is here." The guard that is guarding her room announced.

"Let him in." She told him... And the guard did. Alastair was wearing an unusual Raiment... As the children of the king, they are required to always dress in their father's colors during large gatherings where they will be seen in the crowd. Today Roshanne was wearing a cream colored dress pleated with gold trims and embroidered with golden flowers. Alastair usually wore the same color with the same broidery as her... But today he is wearing something unusual... The she sure would make him stand in the crowd.

"Blue?" She asked him as she approach him, admiring this new looks he has... Blue is the color of the city of Cadalin and the family of Castilon. It was their own color, it represents the sea, in which where the city of Cadalin's get their trade mark as sea Farers and traders. His Raiment was then embroidered with golden dragons... To normal people the golden dragon would mean it is to honor their father. But she knew best... Those dragon does not honor their father.... instead it meant her... Because there are rubies embedded on the raiment, making it look like a redscale mixing with gold... He looks gallant and dashing.

"I hope you won't mind." He stated before offering his arm for her to take.

"No I don't mind at all." She replied to him.

"You look dashing, truly you are father's prettiest son." She told him making him laugh.

"Prettier than you?" He asked her.

" Know your limits." She jested making him laugh again, the two of them where smiling when they stepped out of the room.

" I had my morning ride this morning, patrolling the King's slum." He whispered to her, smiling at every person who greeted them.

" Nothing interesting of note had happened so far... The king's slum is slowly being purge of criminals, sooner that place would be safe for everyone.... Well maybe except the fact that a certain crown prince was seen drunkenly wasted on the street." She glowers...of course what's new.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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