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Dae was awoken by the harsh light of sun hitting her face, she slowly blinks her eyes open, once, twice before the onslaught of memories from last night had flooded her mind, she quickly sat up and looked her side... Only to see nothing she is alone, wrapped in the sheets of the king. She swallowed and breathed a sigh of relief upon finding that she is alone, though her whole body aches, specially between her legs, she sat and looked around the room, despite the sun already up, she shivers and gags at the scent of her skin. He was everywhere, he was all over her.

A single tear escaped her eyes upon remembering what had happened last night, the princess told her to bear the pain, that it would lessen as the night goes deep, that the king wouldn't last even a minute. That he'd fall faster than he could finish the drink on his goblet.

But that isn't what happened last night, he didn't finish in a minute and he didn't get tired, the pain didn't go away. A sob wrecked her body. The pain didn't go away... It remained with her till the early morning sunrise, and up until she woke up again. Her body was bruised and battered from the way she tried to push him away from her, but he kept her down, he put all his weight on her, he felt so heavy, she felt suffocated by her sheer heaviness, it made her feel so weak. Dae hug her knees and rocked herself to try and comfort herself. The princess she thought... The look on her face scared her... And the way she turned her back against her... Dae shivers, would she abandoned her? She called for her, asked for her help, but why didn't she do anything?

The door suddenly opened startling her. She looks up to see an old woman standing by the door, she wore long white gown that covered her hair up to her feet, a sun pendant was the only notable jewel she was wearing, the old woman then step inside she looks at her with a stoic face, only when she's halfway inside did she noticed that she was accompanied by several men wearing long brown clothes, with their head shaven, it cover them from neck to toe, hiding any skin that could be seen, but they wear the same necklace as the woman's ,only with the sun pendant larger.... They were holding a books and plumes, and they writing something, she stared at them wide eyed and confused. Why are they there? What are they going to do to her? Those questions swarm inside her head.

The woman then approached her and flip the sheet that covered the bed, gladly hers wasn't taken, considering that she's naked, the woman looks at the bed as if she's looking for something, and when her eyes spotted the red stain on the sheets she smiles, she also approach Dae and checked her hand for something, once satisfied she walked back to the gentlemen and spoke.

"The marriage has been consumated." She announces to the men who quickly wrote it down on their books, she doesn't what it was for, but she doesn't care at that moment, she remained staring at the blood on the sheet.... She swallowed and closed her eyes... It hurts. She thought, everything hurts. Her maid at the tower didn't lie to her... A man does not make love like a man, instead they do it like how a beast would, last night's affair remind her of how a dragon would do it rather than how a king would, he bit her in so many part, his teeth sunk into her flesh.... For a moment she thought he was going to tear her flesh from her bone.... It made her shiver.

"Congratulations my lady." The woman spoke again startling her for a moment, she looks up at her, to see... Pity. She's looking down on her and it made her want to cry more.

"Where's Neviska?" She asked her, the woman cleared her throat before walking towards her and then offering her hand for her to take. Dae hesitantly took it. And then the woman helped her stand.

"Your leal servant is waiting for you at her room. You should get ready and go there." The woman then grab a simple dress that was already in the room and helped her in. Dae's legs were badly shaking, gladly though, the woman despite her age is strong and managed to help her.

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