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I woke up disgruntled with a pounding headache in my head. I was unsure if my surroundings for a moment. The bedsheet smelled like peaches and vanilla. A strange get intoxications smell.

I remembered it from yesterday. The girl I had seen. My wolf had a strong reaction to her. He wanted her close...almost like how he would want a mate close to him.

But that was impossible. I already had a mate and she was gone. There was no chance that the moon will give me a second mate.

Whatever it was, my wolf wanted her close to us. I briefly remember carrying her out of the gathering but the rest of it was a blur. I don't remember how I ended up in this room and naked as well.

Did we fuck? I couldn't remember shit. Which was a shame because I would love to remember if we did. She was beautiful... alluring with the sweetest smell. I felt my length hardening as I thought about it.

I looked to the other side of the bed and she was gone. The only clothing strewn on the floor was my clothes from the previous evening.

I climbed out of the bed, picking my pants and quickly putting them on. I grabbed my jacket and felt the pocket for the scroll but the pocket was empty.

I turned the jacket inside out, searched every corner of the room but I couldn't find my scroll. My vision darkened as my rage grew.

'Get the fuck in here' I mind-linked Gaius my gamma and in the next minute, he was in my room.

"What the fuck happened last night?" I yelled.

"My lord, you took the girl with you and left the gathering"

The girl. The fucking girl. I couldn't remember a damn thing. I was so mesmerized by her and those strange feelings.

"I want that girl found now"

"Yes my lord. But....."

"But nothing. Find me that girl or I'll have your head" I growled at him and he disappeared.

I angrily put in the rest of my clothes. I was so fucking upset. How could she.... I had a feeling those men were up to something at the gathering but I didn't realize that they'll go that far to steal the scroll from me.

I ignored the girls they had come with. But the moment I saw her, I couldn't take my eyes off her. Her shyness and innocence. So they were fake all along.

It was simply a plot to get me lower my guard so they could steal from me. The tingles...they could also be fake.

"Damn it" I hit the closest wall. The more I thought about it, the angrier I became.

I went downstairs and people bowed as I walked through. I found Gaius speaking to one of the guards of the building.

"My lord" the man bowed but I ignored him.

"Where the fuck is she"

"My lord... they're not able to identify the face of the woman in question. They do not have a worker that fits the description"

"Bullshit. She was here last night in your uniform. Do you dare lie to me?"

The man dropped to his knees instantly, increasing my annoyance.

"I swear to you my lord. We do not have a worker that fits the description. Sir Gaius has inspected all our workers and none of them is the woman you search for"

"Then how did she fucking get in here?"

"I have no idea my lord. She was.... I don't know" the man shook.

"My lord... we found some drugs while searching the place. I believe that's the same drugs used on you"

I grabbed the man by his collar, lifting him off the ground.

"M-My lord please"

"I was fucking drugged in here. Find me the girl or I'll have your heads. Every one of you in here will suffer. Not a single person will be spared" I let go of the man and he fell to his knees again.

For something so organized like this, workers from here had to be involved. Someone thought they could do this and get away with it.

They are about to learn why I shouldn't be messed with.

I turned to Gaius and the men gathered behind him.

"I want you all searching for her. You better fucking find her. And all the men who were gathered here?"

"They've all left. We can't find them anywhere"

"I want them all found. You hear me?"

That fucking scroll was important to me. And that woman.... She was going to regret messing with me and stealing from me.

I shifted into my wolf and set off for the castle. I arrived after an hours run and my beta Finn was waiting with clothes.

"My lord" he bowed.

"Did you get the scroll?"

"Found it but it got stolen"

"S-Stolen? But how?" I pushed past Finn and headed to my office. It was embarrassing to tell the whole story. That myself had been completely and utterly deceived by a woman and I was stolen from.

I wanted to pummel something... a face preferably. I changed direction towards the dungeons but Finn jumped in my way.

"Out now" I yelled at him.

"The last time you were provoked and you went to the dungeon, we lost an important suspect. I think you should calm your anger through other means"

"Then you want to spar with me?"

"No" he said immediately and took a step back.

"But please... not the dungeon" I groaned and turned around, going towards my office.

"May I ask what happened?" I narrated the incident and all my suspicions and how I came to realize that the Scroll has been stolen.

Finn was silent after I finished narrating.

"And Gaius?"

"Still searching for the girl. Apparently, no one knows who she is"

"And the sparks?"

"They were real... maybe it was the drugs or there was witchcraft involved. But when I find that damned girl..." she would pay.

How I would enjoy making her pay for what she did.

"It's a huge problem if the scroll is missing"

"I fucking know that. And that witch. He's going to be hard to find for a second time"

"Recovering the scroll will be the easiest thing to do. We need to get it back"

"And we'll get it back. I want that girl found. And all the men that gathered for the exchange. They know something. Also, the drugs should be examined. I want to know what was powerful enough to knock me out without even detecting it"

"Yes my lord" Finn bowed and left my office.

The angelic face of the girl flashed in my head again. For her own sake, she better not let me find her.


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