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His Dragonite fell to the ground fainted, a super effective ice beam from Juliana's palafin was all it take to send the mighty dragon down. Not before avenging his politoad by taking down her flamigo with thunder.

"2 down..." He whispered at himself as he look at his remaining team of

Sighing, Kieran clutches his fist around his pokeball, recalling his fallen pokémon. "Why must you get everything the world ever owed me!."

He was feeling a bit overwhelmed after his two main Pokémon fell quickly one after the other from Juliana's palafin. He couldn't quite grasp why his mind was so foggy, he just couldn't concentrate. His whole body felt like it was shutting down or something, but he needed to focus and stay in the battle. The thought of losing so badly to her was embarrassing. He grit his teeth and gave a quick glance to his next Pokémon he was gonna send in.

"Porygon, Incineroar stand by for battle!" The former pokemon roared as he stepped into the battlefield while the latter produces a series of unaudible computer sounds.

Juliana recalled her fainted flamigo before leading in with her sylveon. Seeing Kieran, her pokemon cheered at him.

"Is that?"

"Eevee... you saved her remember? If it wasn't for you jumping into the river she would've drown. You were her 'hero'." Juliana smiled sadly as she recalled said memory.


His thoughts were still muddled but his mind heard what she said, and his face lit up with surprise, he never thought anyone would ever use those words to describe him.

"R-Really? I-I was her hero?" Kieran seemed shocked as he looked down with a small smile on his face.

He took a deep breath and looked back at the battlefield, he couldn't let his emotions get in the way of his battle, no matter how good they made him feel.

'Lies do soothe the mind don't they?'

"No! Shut up, you're just trying to get in my head! Porygon use thunderbolt!"






"Kiki... never knew the whole story yet huh?" Carmine asked, if he knew then he...

"He shouldn't no - I've certainly never talk to him about it." Her grandpa clarified, a bit of worry in him, "Why is it you ask?"

"He just... really seems to like the ogre, practically obsessed." She replied. "And he's been trying to one - up me as if he already knew about the story."

"I'm sorry to budge in family matters but maybe Kieran... I don't know, see things differently?" Juliana remarked.

"Well, I can't say what's going up with the boy - just that he was always a sensitive a child. Ever since... Since Carina passed." Her grandpa continued.

"Mother..." Carmine looked down as he remembered the day their mother passed, maybe... that's the reason. She would always tell us the story of the ogre when we were little.

Juliana felt a bit guilty. A certain part of her still not convinced that this is right, she knows that he could be sensitive sometimes, but was lying the only way?

"It wouldn't surprise me really if he's somehow intuited the truth. I promise myself to tell him when the time is right." He retorted. "Until then take not to breathe a word of truth to anybody. Both of you."

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