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"SUSPENDED!" The whole league club bursts in gasp and shock at the revelation. Well, everyone except Drayton.

"Yeah... Two weeks," Kieran responded softly, hoping to quell any panic that might ensue.

"Nice, one for the records. A couple more, and you might just end up as cool as me," Drayton quipped, resting his chin on the table with feigned nonchalance.

"Can it, Drayton," Carmine interjected, delivering a firm whack to his back.

"Hehe, I'm just kidding."

"But... won't the exchange program also be over in two more weeks?" Crispin chimed.

"Crispin!" Lacey sneered. 

"Two weeks..." Juliana repeated softly, still not quite believing what he'd just said. As she sat behind the club members, Juliana couldn't help but feel anxious, her mind starting to race with all of the possibilities. If Kieran were to go back, would she really miss her chance to tell him everything she wanted to?

"B-but that's not fair! Ms. Briar was the one who got us into that mess! She's the one who should've taken responsibility. Not you!" Carmine's snarled in annoyance.

"She already did. She turned herself in and is currently facing punishment for her recklessness," Kieran replied calmly, his resolve unwavering amidst the storm of emotions. "And... I was the one who turned myself in..."

"What?! Why?"

Juliana could feel her mind spinning at the revelation. Of course, she was sad her friend got suspended, but that decision was something she couldn't help but praise him for.

He wasn't letting himself be pinned as the victim in this situation. He was facing the consequences of his own actions... she was speechless. When did he grow so much... did he really learn that much from me?

As the League Club began to voice their complaints among themselves, Juliana remained silent, taking deep breaths and trying to keep herself calm.

Kieran kept his stance even as he noticed that Juliana was the only one who remained silent amongst all the other, who were loudly voicing their complaints.

He felt as if he had disappointed Juliana with his actions, though he was more than willing to accept any sort of judgment that would be brought down upon him.

"Juliana... "

It took her a moment to realize that someone had called her name... the anxiety she was feeling was overwhelming at the moment. Was she not breathing in enough?

She turned her head gently to take a look at where the voice came from, her eyes briefly landing on Kieran before quickly darting elsewhere. It was too hard to maintain eye contact with him right now... even one look from his eyes was making her heart ache.

"Mmhm..." she finally spoke up. "Yes?"

Kieran realized just how bad the situation was getting with her. It broke his heart to know how worried she was about everything.

He quickly stepped over to her, putting a comforting hand on her back before speaking.

"I know how you're feeling... this is my fault, and I'll take responsibility for it." He began softly, trying to reassure her that this is something he has to carry.

"But I need you to know something... " Kieran continued, his voice becoming soft and reassuring. "No matter how it may turn out... No matter how painful the goodbye may be, I promise you, I promise you that I'll come back. I'll come back and be by your side again, no matter what. I'll make sure this isn't the last goodbye we have to say to each other."

Kieran wanted to continue comforting her, but he felt like if he said any more words, it could be too much for her.

So he decided to show her in ways other than through words.

The moment she leaned into his touch, he wrapped an arm around her, hugging her gently but firmly as he continued to hold her with gentle care despite her being visibly upset.

As she leaned into his body, she felt the warmth of his skin envelop her from the sudden hug. She felt comforted by just his mere touch, and though it took her a moment, she returned the hug, wrapping her arms around his body as he embraced her.

Being in his presence was soothing, calming... and she needed it more than ever. She was still filled to the brim with so many emotions, and he was her only anchor to ground her during the moment.

"And I'll wait for you too, till the end of it," Carmine assured, her voice a soothing murmur as she enveloped them in her embrace.

"Me too..." Lacey joined in, her arms wrapping around them tightly.

"Me three!" Crispin chimed in, adding his own reassuring presence to the embrace.

"I'll be waiting for you," Amarys added softly, her voice filled with sincerity.

"Yeah, I can't wait to battle with you again, little bud," Drayton quipped with a grin, drawing them all into a group hug.

The scene unfolded into an adorable display of friendship and pure warmth, a beacon of light amidst the looming shadows that clouded their path.

"Huh, thought you didn't like hugs." Carmine commented the dragon tamer as they broke the hug.

"I do. I just don't show it." Drayton replied, hands behind his back.

"What's your deal with Kiki anyways?"

Drayton closed his eyes, trying to make up with a response. "To be honest... if it was up to me, I just wanted to have fun battling with him again. I'd try to make him snapped out of it but... I'm just not the one for words. That's why I was so caught up with finding someone to knock some sense into him. Turns out, I was right..." He trailed off looking at the two. They're each other's for sure...

"Wow... I didn't know." Carmine replied, flabbergasted by the whole truth.

"Hey, it takes two to tango. Besides, I was just helping her sister look out for him."

"Shut it." Carmine gave him a small nudge on the shoulder, a feint tint of pink on her face creeping out as she looked away from him. "But thanks..."

"Huh? What was that? Could you please repeat that for me." Drayton joked; a small joke that got him another firm whack.

As the League Club surrounded her, the last of her anxiety melted away, replaced by such a comforting feeling.

She was surrounded by friends... people who loved and cared for her. Kieran was right... it didn't matter where they were or when they would meet again because they would always return to each other's side. They were bonded for life, and the world wouldn't do anything to make them falter.

Finally, she was home.

A long.... long... long way home.

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