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Kieran's eyes looked over the plane window as it soared smoothly in the sky. His thoughts drifted back towards the expedition, and he looked forward to seeing the crater with his very own eyes. But even as this feeling of excitement filled his chest, he couldn't help but dread on his loss.

His train of thoughts broke as he felt a small bump on his shoulder; turning towards, only to see Juliana falling asleep on his shoulder, probably exhausted from everything she've been through as well.

He was surprised when he looked over and saw her sleeping on his shoulder, and even with the surprise he felt a surge of emotions fill his chest, there was no denying it he felt a soft spot for her, he was just too stubborn to admit it. He lightly shifted his arm in hopes that she wouldn't wake up. Running his hands through her hair, it felt silky and smooth through his fingers. What shampoo was she using? Even he has a rough time keeping his mess of a hair in check. A tint of red painted his cheeks, his heart fluttering. She looks precious sleeping silently like this

Carmine snickered at the sight. She hadn't seen him like this since... well forever. Last time she had seen him act so shy and innocent was back before, 'that' happened. "Aww, Kiki..." Carmine said, her seat just behind his.

"S-Shut up!" He responded with his face, going a deep red.



The Great Crater, Paldea

Paving the gravel path, Their path towards the heart of time loomed upon them, the crater elevator still lasting the test of time, standing tall and firm despite seeming weathered.

"Just beneath this... Area Zero awaits!" Ms Briar exclaimed, her anticipation getting the best of her, an obsession long thralled through years of her research.

"Juliana, would you be so kind to lead the way? You are the only one here who knows how to operate the elevator." She called, yet the girl seems quite deep in thought as she breaks her trance.

"Hmm? Ouh-yes, sorry I'll lead the way." Making her way to the elevator's control panel, Mrs Briar followed closely behind her, leaving the two siblings to wait. Carmine looked at her little brother, who seemed to be at a loss himself. At first, she hesitated to touch such matters from him, but push on regardless... she has to.

"Kiki, I know I've been treating you... bad before, but..." Carmine sighs, at lost for words. She obviously knows that he'll not forgive her, at least not now. But... "Could you at least get back with... Juliana. I know for a fact that things couldn't just go back to how they were, but it could be a first step -"

"Tch.. What's it to you..." Kieran retorted.
"Arceus, am I supposed to do? Pretend like, what happened that day never occurred? Like it all was just a bad dream?!!" He scowled, his words laced with anger and bitterness.

"Juliana was your first friend, she lied because she cared for you. I know it hurts -"

"Do you?!" He turned towards her, his voice raised and anger clearly evident. He couldn't stop himself from letting his emotions flow out.

The months of trauma he felt in that moment washed back in, and his heart was racing like crazy as he let his anger overtake him.

"She's the reason I became like this! She made me feel worthless like I'm just some sort of waste for people to rid off. She's the one that caused all t-this... this pain! So don't you dare think 'you' know how I f-feel."

At that, Carmine kept her gaze to the ground, the weight of her own sins choking her."I-I'm sorry." Carmine spoke, a sense of guilt washed over from what she did as well. It was her fault for lying, too.

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