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Makima x Innocent! Reader

Characters: Makima, Kishibe (Mentioned)

Tags: Fluff, Developing/Established Relationship, Soft! Makima, dogs, worrying, Kishibe being Kishibe, denial of feelings and misunderstandings.

Warnings: Spoiler Warning for the International Assassins Arc and the Gun Devil Arc. SFW.

A/N: Soft Makima = Best Makima?


Makima is a controller. For her it is either her way or no way. And if you dare to defy her, she will be the last thing you ever see. She treats everyone like they are her dogs, toys and pawns in a larger game to win...But not you. No, she treats you like an angel.After missions and days at work, she will take you out to relax. No ifs ands or buts.Gives you the best massages.Isn't a fan of PDA. But if she feels threatened, she will grab you and show everyone who you belong to.She won't force anything onto you unless important. She knows how timid you can be when making decisions.She has no problem explaining to you her missions and tactics, though she will sugar coat some moments for your "safety".Her dogs love you. They literally run in your direction when you go to Makima's home and just jump on you.Yes, Makima is a little jealous of it.Watches any movie you want to watch, good or bad.If it's a horror movie, she'll hold your hand the entire time. And if there's a jumpscare, she'll hold you when you jump.Loves when you get easily flustered but wont show it.She'll literally stare at you with a small smile and quietly be in delight at your timid state.Will ask about your day, which is something she doesn't do for ANYONE.If you want a sleepover, Makima will do the whole nine yards. Endless snacks, a batch of good movies, bad movies and a bunch of blankets.She only has ONE rule; Don't speak of what you two do outside of work to coworkers. You're her little secret. No one can have you but her. Not to mention she has a reputation to keep.Will ask Kishibe, yes, Kishibe of all people, advice on how to care more and be better for you.Will also ask how to tread lightly around you as to not scare you away. But will never admit it or say it out loud.Say her eyes are beautiful or pretty. She'll melt just laugh and call you cute. Maybe even kiss you on the cheek.

In-Story (Spoilers Ahead)

When Makima fell for you, she thought she was sick.So sick that she took a few days off of work to wonder what was happening to her.She asked her higher ups and even Kishibe what was wrong in subtle ways.They all concluded; she wasn't sick. She was in love.But she didn't want to be. No, she wanted to just focus on Chainsaw Man and Denji! You were ruining her plans! You had to go.So why couldn't she kill you?She just couldn't kill you...Though she continued to think her attraction to you was unnatural, she soon asked you out.Say yes. Makima doesn't show it, but she wants you to accept her confession.Though your relationship is not displayed around your co-workers, they know something is going on between you two.They all think the same thing; "Good for her." "I'm happy for them." "She's dating someone? I thought she was just a scary emotionless woman!" "Lucky!"Makima doesn't worry about anything.So she's surprised she worries about you so much.After your encounter with the Darkness Devil in hell, Makima was her usual quiet and mysterious self.But Kishibe informs you she was worried sick when she found you.And don't even get him started on how she was during the return of the Gun Devil.She tries her best not to tell you her true motives with Denji, but if you give her puppy eyes she'll spill.Please support her. The last thing she wants to do is kill her precious angel.When you noticed her being extra friendly to Denji and Aki, your cute little head started to worry she would leave you for them.She'll assure you in a sweet whisper that she only belongs to you.Be on the look out for a jealous Denji...

"I'll admit. My motives will be seen as evil. But it is a necessary evil. I hope you understand... You have to understand. I know I can accomplish my mission, but it might be near impossible without you... Oh, I wasn't saying I-... Haha. Yes. I love you too."

Makima is a devil. A control devil. And could destroy the whole world.But maybe. Just maybe. She'd sacrifice it all if it was for you...

Chainsaw Man requests are currently open! :D

Likes and retweets are always appreciated! I love you all, be safe and have a good day! <3

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