Chapter 1

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(A/N: Bold and Italic means they're speaking in English.)

*3rd POV*

Alex was walking home from school, she went to get the mail as she approached her house. When she got thus mail, there were bills for her mother and father but, there was one for Alex... It came all the way from... Tokyo?!

The letter read:

'Dear Alex Moore,

Seido High School Baseball team would love to have you on their team. I, Rei Takashimi, came from Tokyo to see how you play. I was amazed how you managed to catch that last pop fly ball. We are offering you a scholarship for Seido High School.

-Rei Takashimi'

Her mother had the biggest smile on her face and said:

"Oh, look! You're taking after your brother! We're so Proud!"

This was her dream... It was coming true! Alex felt a smile tug onto her face. She went to her room to pack and grab her special baseball. Alex pack all her clothes and she put on her baseball cap that says 'Practice makes perfect and put yourself to test your abilities.' She smile to herself. She look up to her mom and dad and smiles with tear brimming her eyes. This was her dream but, she forgot one thing... She would have to leave her family. Alex ran up to her parents and hugged them. "We're gonna miss you but, we're so proud." Her dad said hugging back. Alex pulled away and grab the plane ticket that was in the letter. She walk off with her parents to go to the Ohio Airport. They arrived at the airport in about 10 minutes. Alex wave my goodbye to her parents and walk to her gate. She honestly didn't think it would be this soon they wanted her right after middle school ended. She heard the announcement for her to board her plane and she start to walk faster so she would not be late. She sat in her assigned spot, which was A7. She await for the plane to take off so she could listen to her Panic! At The Disco. Alex soon find herself drifting into a deep sleep.

~6hours later~

'We are approaching Tokyo Airport. Please turn off your devices and fasten your seatbelts. Thank you for using Horse Airlines.' (A/N: Totally not a Shawn joke)

Alex awaken from her sleep and rub her eyes. She grab her bag she had brought aboard and walk off the plane. Alex got to the baggage area to pick up her other suitcases. After she's searched for her suitcase, Alex tried to find her baseball equipment. It took about 30 minutes for Alex to find her baseball gear. Now, she had to find Rei-Chan holding her name. She start turning around in her spot, trying to spot her name. Suddenly she felt a tap on her left shoulder and she jumped. Alex turned around to see a boy, maybe 2 years elder than her, with brown hair and eyes. Next to him was a guy with, what seems like, blonde-ish orange hair and about the same age.

"Are you Alex Moore? I'm Yuki Tetsuya and this is Isashiki Jun." says the brown haired man while gesturing to the person next to him, in which she knew it Jun-Senpai.

"Yes, I am Alex Moore, It's nice to meet you Yuki-Senpai, Jun-Senpai." she replied, holding her hand out to shake theirs. Then Rei walks up behind them and says: "Looks like you guys found Alex." Alex smiles at Rei and says: "Yep and I'm guessing these are the upperclassmen?" Rei nodded and says: "They're also your roommates." Alex was excited but, knew at the same time, the both of them were going to be a handful to take care of. The two look at Rei and Alex like they were crazy. They couldn't understand a thing they were saying. The two boys brush it off and walk with Rei to call a taxi. Rei asked to get in the front because there was only three seats in the back. Yuki got in first, then Alex, then Jun. Alex was squashed in between the two. It got somewhat awkward till Jun asked:

"Are you a boy or girl?"

That shocked Alex a little but she nodded and said: "You caught me but, please try not to tell anyone. It's easier playing that way so people don't underestimate me."

Yuki suddenly put his arm over Alex's shoulder and said:  "Fine by me, plus, I can understand how you feel."

After that, there was an awkward silence again. It was like this until they made it to their dorms.

~The Next Day After School At Practice~

Coach Kataoka gathered everyone around to introduce their new teammate. Alex walked up shyly and waved to everyone before saying:

"Hello! I'm Alex M-"


"U-Um, Yes, That is me. I am excited to play with you! I play out/center- field, shortstop, pitch, clean-up batter, and second baseman. Really any position would do for me. By the way, who called my name? Alex ask looking around.

Two boys stepped forward and Alex noticed them right away:  "Furuya?! Sawamura-baka?! Why are you here?!"

(A/N: Thanks for reading!

Don't forget to...




So how do you guys think Alex knows Furuya and Eijun??


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