⤁ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐬

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After hearing the news that your husband hades would compete for the 7th round made your heart and mind go wild, and the fact that he, himself volunteered made your aura spiked as you stride through the corridors to the VIP section to where your h...

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After hearing the news that your husband hades would compete for the 7th round made your heart and mind go wild, and the fact that he, himself volunteered made your aura spiked as you stride through the corridors to the VIP section to where your husband was. 

you flung the door open harshly, making Hades turn his neck to look at you. 

"How could you do this to me?" you stammered through your word angrily. Hades quickly caught onto your emotions.

"My condolences, brothers. It seems I'll have to leave early for a moment." He said calmly, he walked towards you and grabbed your hand pulling you off to a more closed area.

"answer me!" you pleaded just to receive no response from him until he gently shoved you against the wall in a lightly dimmed room. 

his arms were placed onto both of your sides, as he towered over you. 

your emotions were all over the place as you were heavily breathing with your eyebrows furrowed and overall an angry face.

"we've talked about this hades! i told you i didnt want you participating in this. you agreed! you promised me! how could you do this without consoling me first!" you babbled through your words.

Hades stood there with a stoic face like usual, he always listened to you. Even if you were talking about the most random things. He continue to listen to your babbling until he cut you off.

"listen to my point of view of this situation for a moment, my dearest." 

with that sentence alone, he shut you up completely. 

"I wont lose. As their older brother, I will avenge them" Hades calmed you down with his face is filled with a mixture of kindness and a deep sadness.

you shook your head as he caress your cheek. 

"is avenging your brothers more important than living together with me for eternity? I-I know im being selfish but-"

he cut you off once again with a peck on your lips.

"im sorry, please forgive me. im the one being selfish here, please understand me on my decision on this, my love."

your heart broke on his response and words. you glared at him, though you really couldnt stay mad at him forever. 

"ill forgive you if you come back to me alive." you mumbled through your breath, he still heard you.

he lets out a small smile. 

"i'm going to do all i can to return back to your side." he calmly says grabbing your soft hands and bringing it up to his face to feel it.

"promise me."

Hades looks at you with sincerity in his eyes before responding

"i promise."

he kissed you passionately with his hands around your waist. your hands traveled through his muscular figure and up to his face. your hands went through his silver locs.

It was all a lie, he always kept his promises to you and fulfilled them. Even so he failed to keep 2 promises. The world crashed down on you after seeing him whisk away, even on his dying moments he looked at you. through thousands of people on the valhalla, he looked for you. 

Once he found you, he smiled at you brightly, he didnt want you to feel sad. He hated seeing you sad and it was worse knowing the reason why was because of him.

He wanted to go up there and tell you how much he loved you and how deeply sorry he was for leaving you all alone, he wanted to comfort your distressed face.

As he falls and the life leaves his eyes, he thinks of your tears, the time he held you as you laughed together, the kisses, and the words of love he spoke to you that night. You were the final thing he thought of as his world went black and he found himself back down in the dark depths of Tartarus.

seeing him in such a pitiful state broke your heart, his bright but bloody face smiled at you before disappearing into ashes catching his last breath, watching that scene hit you hard and filled you with pure grief. Your heart ache madly at the thought of losing your husband who you loved the most. 

you reminisce all the memories, the Laughters, and love you two shared together. 

"you promised me."


' 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐘 // 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐊Where stories live. Discover now