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You are already used to it.

Your husband's coldness. The distance. The way he looks at you, a smaller deity, like you are some kinds of dirt he wants to make disappear. After all, Poseidon was above everything and everyone' and not even you, his supposed lover, was excluded from his disdain.

The other gods knew all about it, they liked to gossip about everything fun, so it was a pain dealing with their mocking stares.

even himself he knew about it, yet he didnt do anything. why did he even bother to get married to you in the first place? 

though it seems today he had enough of it. 

"who dares to keep talking about my wife" it wasnt a question at all, it was a demand. in one swoop sentence he shut them up completely, they were silent and afraid. his glare was enough to make them tremble in fear.

You couldn't believe what was happening in front of you. One moment all the Gods were laughing at your expense, the next moment Poseidon was shutting them up and actually defending you. It was something completely unexpected, and even the others were just as surprised as you. 

The Gods remained quiet, all of them glancing at each other with shocked, confused, feared looks. You could feel the tension in the air. Poseidon's gaze was still fixed on them, as if they had committed a cardinal sin.

he growled beneath his breath as he grabbed your hand harshly and pulled you along with him.

As he grabs you and pulls you away from the other Gods, you feel his strength. He's so overpowering, so strong. You can't help but feel a sense of security in this moment. His anger, the way he defends you, it all shows a hidden side of him that you've never seen before.

In this moment he's not the cold, distant, ruthless God. He's just Poseidon, who's protecting his wife in a way that none of the other Gods ever would.

once you two were out of the public eye and inside the underwater castle, you gathered the courage to speak. 

"why did you defend me?" you spoke confidently.

he turned his back and looked at you nonchalantly.

"is it wrong to defend my wife?" he blurted out, it was true but he never done that and you need to know the answer why.

"you've let them talk about me ever since we got married, what changed?" you said, furrowing your eyebrows deeply.

there was a few moments of silence before he responded with a pit of laughter.

"youre really pathetic you know that? do you want to know why my innocent wife?" he said while getting closer to you and grinning seductively.

you looked up at him as he was towering over you... you were upset, pathetic? 

"youre ridiculous poseidon. why marry me if youre just going to treat me like this?" you stammered through your words, even if you were standing up for yourself, his gaze was just fearsome!

he place his hand on your cheek caressing it, "i thought you would be able to protect yourself from their words, youre so weak...".

"and i love it." he smiles creepily but so handsome..

though his words shocked you, "what are you saying..?"

"even though youre just a mere deity, you really are gorgeous. yet so weak, i just want to have you wrapped around my finger and rely on me for anything you need and if you ever displease me i can just crush you ever so easily..."

his words hit you like a thousand of walls crashing down on you.

"is that how you really feel about me? just some mere pretty weak wife that you can control?"

"even though youre weak, you do catch on quite quickly." he said before walking away from you before turning to you and said one last thing 

"so come to me and beg for me, worship me, plead for me, because thats all youre worth. Just a weak pretty wife that needs a little pampering from her husband"


' 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐘 // 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐊Where stories live. Discover now