❈ 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐝

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requested by Hizashi_001 and -1TOSHI , combined requests? hopefully you two arent upset :')

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requested by Hizashi_001 and -1TOSHI , combined requests? hopefully you two arent upset :')


you usually wouldn't show that youre in pain during your time of the month due to your strong nature, but it just seem like everything and everyone just wanted to make you mad today..

first off, why is this little man following you everywhere? it just keeps running its mouth, cant it shut up for a minute..? you were getting agitated hearing the same voice that you almost couldn't resist yourself from punching him in the mouth.. you didn't need to hear about dumb stuff today. you had enough as you walked away from one of your closest friends leaving him confused.

you loved your husband of course, but why is he so annoying today..? everything he did just seem to make your vein pop out your forehead.. and along with this pain youre feeling at the moment wasn't helping..

it seem as if Buddha immediately knew what was wrong, he sulked as he pouted. 

As you were about to drink the hot tea prepared by the servants, it was gently pushed away by your husband. His pouty face that made you melt every time..

"why cant you just tell me whats wrong instead of handling this pain all alone.?" he pouted, he can be such a baby when he wants to.

"its fine." 

"no its not." he said stubbornly as he launched himself onto you, nuzzling his face into your neck. he mumbled something that you couldnt seem to figure out. 

before you could ask him what he said, he jumped out your arms. 

"dont worry, i have something that'll make you feel better.." he said sheepishly with a sly smirk, before he ran out the door. 

he came back in with a stash of candy thrown onto the bed in front of you, he smirked like a little kid proud of a mess hes done. 

"since i love you so much and dont want you to be in pain i'll offer you all my snacks.. youre lucky you know that?" 

you were surprised and it was sweet.. you didnt know how to react.

"are you sure you want to give me all your candy? what if i eat it alll ?" you teased, you noticed the unchanging look on his face. 

"so? then that means youre gonna get all better right? have your mood calmed down yet?" 

 "im going to be okay, its only going to be for a few days.." you smiled, you didnt know how he managed to do this. 

suddenly, he plopped the lollipop that was in his mouth to yours. 

"doesn't it taste better?" he started again with his flirtatious acts.

"you know whats better?" you said seductively as you gripped the collar of his shirt closing the distance between you two.

he smirked, "what?" 

suddenly the sharp cramp came back, especially at the wrong time.. You groan in pain as you clench your abdomen. 

the once smirked prideful face was turned into worry with furrowed eyebrows, he couldnt stop asking you what was wrong

"its really fine.. i just need to take some pain killers.."

"no no, should I call for the doctor?" 

"no...just stay here with me?"

he was hesitating but obeyed your request, he snuggled into your arms putting his face between your breasts. 

his warmth that was radiating from his huge body made you feel so safe, its as if your pain was gone.  

a few moments later you could hear light snoring, you chuckled at the sight. He could be so tough in front of others, yet what youre seeing right now is nothing compared to how he acts in public. 

you pulled him closer to you as you also dozed off to sleep.

the past few days, your husband was stuck to you like glue. He would tend to you in every way he could, if you asked for medicine that was across the heavens he would get there and come back a few hours later with the specific medicine.

and also a few gifts as well.

by now, your room has been filled with gifts from head to toe. It was normally like this but you never knew it could get so extreme..

Buddha would even scare off anyone who gets close to you, even if he has to do something important with his group.

He doesnt care what he has to sacrifice, he'll do anything to be with his wife. He hates when youre in pain, it makes him feel like he isnt strong enough even if it isnt his fault.

he'll make you feel so important and valued.

everytime he would come home, he would run straight to you suffocating you in a tight hug. He lovessss your body, he loves the way it fits around his arms. 

he would use his own body heat to sooth you down, and massage your body. He'll just do anything to make you feel okay.

he wanted to have a child so you wouldnt have to experience this anymore, it may not be for eternity but let it be for 9 months. 

but you denied, leaving him sulking and begging.

pregnancy was hard, far more worse than periods but Buddha wouldnt just give up. As he soon saw his other friends having babies he soon developed baby fevers. 

he couldnt contain it anymore one night as his bulge was throbbing in pain, and you was in another room just working on some papers, it wouldnt hurt for just one release right? its not like anybody would come in..

he opened wide to the door of your office, as he banged it close locking it. You jumped from his grand entrance about to scold him til you saw his lustful face and his ....

"cmon baby, just one child?" he smiles seductively closing in the distance between you two.

"are you drunk? cmon, lets go. How many times do i have to tell you not to drink?" you scolded him as you got up from your seat grabbing his hands and pulling him to the door, til he pinned your face against the wall. 

his chest to your back, rubbing between your butt. "ah-hh, you feel so good...only one? no more okay?" he continues to beg while pleasuring himself. 

one moment led to another, all the servants could hear was your wailing, moans, clapping, they all ran away in a flushed face. 

Buddha was still not tired after so many hours, it was not stopping til the sun rose once again. He truly couldnt express his love for you in another way. 

he needs to prove to everyone your his, and having a child is one way. 

He won't let any other man pleasure you better than he does.

No other man is bigger than him.

No other man can pleasure you better than him. 

He'll keep you attached.


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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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