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this is pretty long ngl, sigh

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this is pretty long ngl, sigh. 

I also want to remind to the people who dont know that the King of Shakya and Buddha's Father is complete different people!

Khattiya Guatama Siddhartha is his full OG name :'). This story will use his old name, for the confused people. 


you were the were a princess to a powerful clan, allied with clan Shakya. 

Now, youre getting ready for your engagement party to the prince of Shakya. The palace was in a ruckus, all of your things were packed. 

You didnt want to. You hated the thought of marrying somebody you didnt even know, but yet you just stayed quiet. you stayed quiet while your parents beamed with joy about your marriage, even though you hated it you stayed quiet. for them, and for your clan benefits. 

Everything you did was pitched perfect, just for them you were the best of the best. trained to perfection. 

had you had any feelings of joy ever since birth? you couldn't quite remember. Of course you were filthy rich, you had all the luxuries anyone could ask for. yet you wasnt happy, after all nothing you did was ever for your benefit. 

you didnt want to be called ungrateful for being unhappy while youre living with a roof over your head, warm food, water, etc.

"Princess? are you there?"

The maid snapped you out of your dozed off mind. you mustve been thinking about it a lot. 

"my apologies." you warmly said to her

she smiled brightly   "its time to leave, princess. the guards will carry the carriage like usual so you wouldnt have to bear the pain of walking long distance on your foot." 

you nodded at her words politely. 

the ancient makeup they put on your face felt like 500 pounds, you were a veil on your head with a gold with a big jewel headpiece that wrapped around your forehead to the back of your head. The head piece contain a big jewel that was located in the middle of your forehead. 

As your maids escorted you outside of the castle, you looked to your side to find your parents riding different carriages. 

they seem insanely happy today. 

you sighed, as you got inside the carriage that the horses had to carry. you felt bad for making them walk/run long distances while carrying pounds. 

you sat on the sofa that was included in the small carriage. before the servants close the door, your parents walked over to you smiling brightly.

"my daughter, today must be the most perfect day. you will soon get married and our clan will receive a huge amount of benefits and trades. You must NOT mess anything up, do what you always do. Best of the best, got it?" your father warns you with a smile but the tone of his voice was the complete opposite.

' 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐘 // 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐊Where stories live. Discover now