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"You are, and always have been, my dream." — Nicholas Sparks.

After the revelation, and when Penelope had finished her breakfast, she decided to make her way back upstairs towards her room, just to fix her hair for the day as she was rather rushed this morning, however, before she knew it, Colin had grabbed her forearm and was pulling her towards his room.

"Jeez... Colin what are you doing?" Penelope had never seen Colin lose his temper so much over the past few days. The previous 15 years she had known him, he had never raised his voice, it was always so quick witty remark instead. But right now, he looked annoyed, and downright flushed.

She yanked her arm from his grasp, and he opened his room door, and gestured her in. She rolled her eyes and walked into his room, reluctantly.

He was pacing around his room with his hands in his hair, "what the hell Pen? We finally agree to be together and then I need to find out like that about something so huge along with everyone else?"

Was he serious?

Surely not.

"Are you not... "she paused and gulped, "...happy for me?" her voice croaked, and he immediately stopped in his tracks. "Of course I'm happy for you," he replied almost apologetically.

In all that time he hadn't said 'congratulations' once.

"I'm just upset the way I was told. I'd hoped you would tell me separately," Penelope watched as he dropped his head and sat on his chair. She slowly approached him and open his legs with her knees to allow her in between them.

She put both hands on his neck and raised his head towards her gaze, "I'm pretty new at this relationship stuff, I promise you'll have all my firsts."

Colin smiled, "I'm sorry, I probably seem like some overzealous idiot, right?"

Penelope giggled and smiled.

"My overzealous idiot though," she leaned down to kiss him.

"I am proud of you, I'm so happy for you, I love you," he smiled up towards her. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her into him. His face was now directly in front of her breasts, her dress had a tie along the bust and well Colin just couldn't help himself. He looked like he wanted to devour her whole. He raised his hands up her bare legs, he then worked his hands up her dress to along her bust. Penelope slowly groaned as he touched her, her skin felt like it was being set ablaze. He carefully ran his fingers through the loops of the tied bow that kept her breasts hidden, "Don't you think you have far too many clothes on for a shower?" Colin said while slowly loosening the knot.

"A shower?" Penelope asked with her eyebrows raised.

Was he requesting a shower... together?

He nodded, "Yes, a shower."

He stood up and lifted her dress over her head and picked her up by the thighs. She quickly latched herself onto his torso with a quick squeal. He lifted her off the floor so easily, he would grab her with such tenacity and urgency that it made her never wanted him to let go.

She realised as he pinned her against the shower wall that she still had her underwear on, but there was nothing stopping a determined Colin Bridgerton.


He wasn't mad at her per se. But he just wanted to be the first to know those types of things, he knew his relationship with Penelope had been strained for the past two years, but he had hoped now that they were together... things would be different.

Blooming Penelope Featherington Where stories live. Discover now