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"And I'd choose you: in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you." – Kiersten White.

It had been two weeks since Colin and Penelope decided to move in together. However, she hadn't seen him in around ten or so days. He had to head back to Bath, reluctantly, to tie up some loose ends with his work and old apartment. He had moved up there after his breakup with Marina to no doubt escape run ins as Marina was a prolific London socialite.

They attempted not to overdo the phone calls, or text messages... but that was soon thwarted after their first six-hour phone call. They just couldn't stop it. Even though they spoke every hour, not having his body within reaching distance was difficult. They did have a steamy phone call one night, and a few inappropriate pictures, but that comparable to the real thing.

She truly missed him.

Penelope had met up with her sisters earlier that morning, Colin was due back around dinner time, and to Penelope's surprise, they had a decent conversation. They discussed the finances and Prudence agreed to organise the home, and then she would send a cheque in the post for anything to be divided up. But they weren't hopeful as they mother lived an extravagant lifestyle on a limited budget. Portia never could keep money in her pocket.

Portia had also left the girls a letter each.

Penelope wasn't expecting it, and she wasn't even sure if she wanted to read it.

But she had too.

Penelope was happy with her newfound relationships with her sisters, they felt like new people. Was is Portia's influence this whole time? Penelope wasn't sure if she was the one that had changed, or they were. All she knew is that after 23 years, they had finally become tolerable.

She placed the letter in her bag, and thought she'd either read it alone, or with Colin.

After their goodbyes, Penelope jumped the tube that afternoon to meet her agent, she hadn't seen Agatha in a while... and she had a few things to sign. The mentioning of the book had been put on pause while she dealt with her mother's death. Agatha had been so understanding when she really didn't have to be.

As Penelope entered the coffee shop, she saw Agatha in the corner, "Penelope! Over here!" Agatha waved her over while sipping a rather large cup of black coffee. She stood up to greet her, while giving her a cuddle and condolences, "Now let's get down to business..."

Agatha was never one for small talk, she was far too busy to entertain anything else.

"The book itself will be ready in two months. We have sorted the cover you chose, but we must submit a dedication for selected editions." Agatha reached into her bag and pulled out a beautiful blue covered book. The book was a hardback, with beautiful blue velvet fabric and silver stitching detail. The cover had trees, butterflies, and roses...


By Penelope Featherington

... it read across the front.

It was pretty much what dreams are made of.

Tears fell. Happy Tears.

"Now that's your copy, but I need a dedication for the special edition, by tomorrow at least."

Penelope drew a sharp breath, "Tomorrow?"

Agatha nodded while gathering her bags, "yes, is that a problem?"

Agatha looked over her glasses as she asked Penelope. Her patience was obviously wearing thin from sitting in the same place for more than five minutes. "No, not at all," Penelope quickly replied.

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