Chapter 9: Triplet Trouble

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December 22nd, 2023.

Current Time: 1:30 PM.

This chapter contains lots of wholesome moments.

(Y/N)'s POV

Three Days Later

I powered on, and I was immediately greeted with the sound of cracking.

The eggs are hatching! I screamed happily in my head. I looked over at the sleeping Gator on the couch, and I wondered if I should wake him or let him see the kids once he wakes up on his own.

One by one, all three of the eggs started to hatch. The first baby was an exact copy of Monty, only miniature. He had the same color scheme as his Father, and he even had Monty's trademarked glasses.

The second baby was a miniature version of me, complete with her own set of wings and a tail, along with the same type of horns that I have.

The third baby...was a mix of Monty and myself. She had his tail, scales, and shades, but she had my horns, wings, and the same color eyes as mine. They all immediately snuggled up against me for warmth, and I wrapped my tail around all of them.

My precious children. I'll protect you all until the very end, and Monty, I know you will as well. I thought to myself before I drifted into a light sleep.

Monty's POV

I woke up feeling well rested after my long nap, and I found myself looking at my beloved lightly sleeping in her nest. When I got a closer look, I just about leapt through the ceiling. There, asleep against (Y/N)'s side, were our own flesh and blood.

I'm really a Dad! I can't believe it! I said to myself as my tail began to wag like crazy. I heard my beloved stir in the nest before she looked at me.

"I was wondering when you'd wake up to meet the kids,"~ she said, leaning over to place a kiss on my snout.

"They're perfect, all three of 'em,"~ I purred in response, turning my attention to the miniature animatronics. The one who looked exactly like me wobbled out of the nest and began climbing up my snout.

"Heh, hey little man," I said, placing him in my claws and rubbing his head. He started to wag his little tail in content, and I couldn't help but smile.

My little Rockstars, nothin' will ever happen to you or your Mother while I'm here. I thought as I gently put my Son down. I felt something climbing up my tail, and I turned around to see an exact copy of my beloved, except she was a baby.

"Well ain't you just the prettiest little Dragon. No offense babe," I said, flashing a grin at (Y/N).

"None taken Monty, now I'm going to go out to find food because I haven't eaten in days," she said, standing up to her full height before giving me a kiss on my snout and doing the same to our kids.

"Be careful doll," I said, melting into her touch before I watched her exit my room.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Ugh, I shouldn't have gone three days without food," I growled, holding my stomach as I walked around the Main Atrium of the PizzaPlex.

"(Y/N)? My goodness, are you alright?!" Freddy asked, running over to me to examine me.

"I'm fine Freddy, just a little hungry," I told him.

"Ah, I see. Unfortunately, we're all out of Pizza. Is there anything else you'd like?" the Bear explained before asking me a question again.

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