Chapter 17: Daycare Show

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January 20th, 2024.

Current Time: 5:30 PM.

This is the last normal chapter before the Wedding. The story parts from here and onward will take longer to come out due to my writer's block. I appreciate you guys being patient with me, but now let's get on with this chapter!

(Y/N)'s POV

I awoke bright and early, well before Monty or any of the others were awake. Taking the time to explore the Plex on my own, I found myself venturing towards the Daycare.

When I got to the doors of the area, I knocked three times. The cheerful face of Sun greeted me as I stepped inside.

"You're sure up early friend!" the energetic animatronic exclaimed. I always found Sun's personality comforting.

"I just thought I'd visit before my big day with Monty tomorrow. Not sure if ya heard, but we're hostin' our Weddin' on the roof," I told him.

"How exciting! The little ones will be so happy when I tell them!" Sun cheered, in which my ears drooped.

"I'd rather ya not tell 'em, at least until I meet 'em all later today," I said, keeping my voice low. Sun looked at me with a curious tilt of his head.

"Oh? What for friend?" he asked. I lightly chuckled before I changed into my Human appearance.

"I'm performing in here today!" I announced, practically jumping up and down in excitement.

"Really?! That's great! We hardly ever get you Glamrocks to put on a show in here!" Sun beamed, doing an excited cartwheel.

"I don't know if I should do the performance in my animatronic self, or as a human," I said.

"It all depends on what you'll be doing Sunshine! The Daycare ceiling is high enough for you to do arial stunts as an animatronic, but we also have hoops for you to fly through as a human!" Sun explained before running off to get Moon.

I shifted back into my animatronic self and started looking around for the assigned spot for me to set up my equipment. I didn't bring my Bass or my Guitar because I didn't want them to get broken.

After I had gotten settled in, Sun came back out with Moon following behind him. Moon helped make my 'stage' look more like an actual stage rather than being a bunch of blocks stacked on top of one another.

"Mind if I ask what you'll be doing for your show?" Moon asked after we were finished. I just gave a casual shrug in response to his question.

"No idea, but probably singin' since I don't have my Bass or Guitar. Didn't want to risk either of 'em gettin' broken from the kids," I said, placing my microphone onto its stand. Sun came running over a few seconds later, letting us know that the children were about to come inside.

"Hope you're ready to be swarmed by fans," Moon replied with a light chuckle before accompanying his brother with greeting the kids.

"IT'S THE DRAGON FROM THE MAIN STAGE!!!!" a little girl squealed in delight. Like Moon said, I was very quickly surrounded by a bunch of toddlers.

"Children! Let's not crowd (Y/N)! A big star like her should have some space!" Sun called to the kids. Then to everyone's surprise, Monty came into the Daycare.

"MONTTTTTTYYYYYY!!!!" several toddlers squeal as half of the crowd that was surrounding me gathered around the Gator.

"Hey little Rockstars! You guys excited for (Y/N)'s show?!" Monty asked them, but not before flashing me a wink. I shot him a glare as if to say 'Not in front of the kids.'

"YES WE ARE!!!!" all the children shouted eagerly. After what seemed like an eternity of Monty signing autographs for the kiddos, he finally left the Daycare, albeit with lots of protests from some of the kids.

Both Moon and myself let out a relieved sigh once all the chaos ended. Frankly I was beginning to get impatient with all the waiting, but I wouldn't dare act scary in front of the children.

The sound of me vocalizing let everyone in the Daycare know that it was time to gather round for my performance. Sun and Moon stood in the back, making sure the kids were behaving and not trying to climb onto me. An announcement came on the loudspeaker a moment later, which wasn't really needed.

"The Superstar Daycare is proud to present one of our famous Glamrock performers: (Y/N) The Dragon!"

I searched through many different songs that were downloaded into my system, but a lot of them weren't suitable for toddlers. Finally, after a good three minutes of silence, music started to play through the Daycare speakers.

(A/N: Play this)

As I sang the lyrics, I used my wings to fly around different areas of the Daycare, while a spotlight shone on me the entire time. At one point I activated a Galaxy look, and the inner portions of my wings became that of a starry, night sky.

Everyone was amazed by my performance, especially the kids who were fans of mine. Moon was interested in the current patterns on my wings, while Sun was trying his hardest to not dance to the music.

Soon enough, I came in for a landing in the center of the Daycare, and as soon as the music ended, I was swarmed by the children once more. Eventually Sun and Moon had to assist in getting the toddlers off of me before they damaged me.

"I didn't know you had a Galaxy appearance (Y/N)," Moon said, still intrigued by the stars on my wings.

"It's just one of the many new upgrades I was given," I shrugged, before I was tackled by Sun.

"We must have you put on more shows here friend! The little ones just adore you!" he exclaimed in glee as he helped me stand up.

"It's up to the Staff Sunny boy, ya know that," I informed him, watching his rays retract a little bit in sadness.

"I know, but-" Sun began, only to be cutoff by his brother.

"She's right," Moon said, comforting Sun. An idea suddenly came to my mind, and I smiled.

"I'll tell ya what, anytime I solely sing on the Main Stage as a solo performance, I'll give ya the recordin' tapes of each one. That way ya can play it for the kids that ask about me," I explained, earning a nod from the Celestial animatronics.

"That's better than nothing (Y/N)! Thank you!" Sun cheered as I made my way to the Daycare doors. I made sure to exit the Daycare while the toddlers were distracted.


Once I got back to my Green Room, I collapsed onto my plush couch. The sound of my door opening made me growl in annoyance, as I was tired and wanted to rest.

"Sorry to bother you doll, but I really missed you today apart from my brief visit at the Daycare. I know you probably want to rest, but I'd like some cuddles," Monty said, giving me puppy eyes.

"Alright, c'mere ya big sap," I huffed, opening my wings for him. The Gator immediately wrapped his arms and tail around me, while I protectively embraced the both of us in my wings.

"Our last night alone before the Weddin'," Monty said softly, nuzzling his snout under my lower jaw.

"Tomorrow's goin' to be an eventful day, that's for sure," I replied, before me and the Gator went into Sleep mode.


Sorry it's a bit shorter than usual, but I want to be able to write a long chapter for the Wedding! On another, unrelated note, I may or may not have a thing for Sun and Moon now. NO, NOT SIMP LEVELS, JUST MORE OF A COMFORT LEVEL!!!! Anyway, I'll maybe do a Sun and Moon X Reader book once this one is finished. Until the Wedding Rockstars!

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