Chapter 13: (Y/N)'s Outburst

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December 30th, 2023.

Current Time: 3:30 PM.

This story part contains major swearing, moderate gore, and mentions of death. Viewer discretion is advised.

Monty's POV

I was relaxing in my Jacuzzi with my beloved (Y/N) after she fucked my brains out yesterday. I'll admit, I never enjoyed being Submissive towards anyone, but that Dragon can make me her bitch any day of the week.

After the situation with (Y/N) acting like Bonnie and Chica were prey, the two of them have been cautious around my fianceé. Of course, they'd still hang out with us during games and stuff, but otherwise they'd be in Bonnie Bowl talking about stuff.

I was worried they'd never be able to recover from the trauma and avoid (Y/N) forever, which I really hoped wouldn't happen because she would just keep on wanting to kill herself.

My attention was quickly diverted towards the three little rascals playing by my feet. Our kids are already almost old enough to eat the kinds of food me and their Mother eat. I'll tell you, being a full-time Gator Dad is the best job in the world.

Suddenly a loud crash came from my bathroom and I sprinted over to it, only to find (Y/N) cowering against the wall as if someone were scaring her. I growled when I saw Officer Vanessa step out of the shadows and tower over my beloved holding a taser.

"I thought I told you that I'd destroy your kids if I ever saw them again, but here you are trying so hard to stop me. Looks like you're not as tough as you think you are (Y/N)! Now, I want you to sit right there and watch as I take this taser to fry your children's circuits," the bitch said with an evil laugh.

⚠️Gore Warning⚠️

(Y/N)'s POV

This crazy bitch seriously thinks she can kill my kids in front of me?! I'll show her what happens when you piss off a Mother Dragon!

All sorts of angry thoughts flooded my brain as I stood up and bared my teeth at Vanessa. I stepped out of the bathroom, unsheathed my claws, and let out a roar unlike any other roar I was able to produce.

(A/N: You roar like this. Play the video).

Monty's eyes widened in sheer amazement from the fact that I could produce a roar at such volume. Vanessa was scared for a few seconds, but she quickly got over it and grabbed my Son while holding the taser to him.

"Monty, take the kids to safety! I'll handle her!" I shouted, watching as the Gator took all three of our children with him. Now it was just me and Vanessa.

I quickly lunged at the woman with my jaws, locking them onto her arm with a death grip. She screamed out in pain as my teeth severed the bone that connected her upper arm to her lower arm. I then took my claws and slashed her legs, crippling her so she couldn't run away.

"Please! Make it stop!" Vanessa begged for mercy. I used my strong jaws to throw her out of Monty's room and onto the floor of the Main Atrium. I immediately approached her again with a bloodthirsty expression.

"We all tried to warn ya about what would happen if ya came near my kids again, but ya didn't listen! Now I'm gonna teach ya a lesson ya will never forget and hopefully bleed out from!" I roared at her before I clamped my jaws shut on her side.

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