Chapter 22: Reunited

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After many long months of work, the final chapter is finally here! Once again, thank you all for giving this book the attention it deserves! Now, without anymore delays, let the chapter commence!

August 14th, 2024.

Current Time: 4:15 PM.

Contains: Fluff And Musical Numbers.

(Y/N)'s POV

It had been a peaceful week since the death of Afton, and now, no more children had gone missing. Sun gave me the biggest hug for finding all the children that had disappeared from the Daycare, and the missing children thanked me over and over again for saving them.

Even though I was happy, a part of me still missed my old friends from my restaurant. I wondered if they were proud of my new life without them, and if they were with me right now, I'd give them all the biggest hug ever.


I was surprised to hear a knock on the main entrance's door, and I went to open it. However, as soon as I saw who was standing on the other side of the door, I felt my eyes start to leak oil tears.

"Nice to see you after so long (Y/N)," my best friend, Gerson the Griffin said, pulling me into a hug.

"I thought they got rid of ya and the others," I said through a happy sob.

"Someone stopped them from destroying us, and we were told you were here now so we walked here to see if it was true," Jack the Jaguar spoke up, ruffling my hair.

I looked at the rest of my group of old friends and saw Diego and Patrick standing there with just as much shock on their faces as I had on mine.

"(Y/N)!!!!" they both exclaimed before pouncing on me, causing all of us to erupt in a fit of joyous laughter. We were all surprised when we saw Freddy looking at us.

"Don't just wander off without telling us (Y/N)! Monty was worried!" the Bear scolded, making me lower my ears in an apologetic manner.

"I'm sorry Fred, but my old friends here knocked on the door, and I just had to see 'em," I confessed, watching Freddy nod in understanding.

"Your friends from the restaurant you came from that was destroyed?" the Bear asked in confusion before I explained everything.

"Oh, I see! In that case, let me show your friends around the place!" Freddy exclaimed in excitement, and I took the opportunity to get the rest of my current friends ready to meet my old band mates.


"And that concludes the tour of the PizzaPlex," Freddy said to Gerson and the others before they all went back to conversing with each other.

"So (Y/N), have you settled down with anyone here, or are you still single?"~ Diego asked, giving me a slight nudge. Neither of them were expecting me to answer, and just as they were about to tease me some more, Monty came over.

"Why are all of you pickin' on my mate?! She's not on the market!" the Gator growled, protectively wrapping his tail around me.

"Whoa, take it easy dude! We meant no harm!" Jack exclaimed, putting both of his paws up in defense.

"Monty, babe, these are my old friends from my restaurant. They came here lookin' for me," I said to my overly protective husband.

"Oh! My bad! Didn't know you were who I thought you were," Monty admitted with an apologetic smile.

"No hard feelings Gator man, we'd have reacted the same," Diego told him, flashing his sharp canine teeth.

"You guys should meet the rest of the animatronics here," Monty said, and all of their heads nodded in agreement.

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