chapter 9

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"NOW PUPAPELT HAS WAKEN UP," Karksliciousstar meowed, standing on the highrock. "HE CAN TELL US WHST HE REMEMBERS." the leader nodded his head to the yellow injured cat in the crowd. ramair had made him a sort of skeight bord for his hind legs to lie on, it was binded around his legs and waist with vines. "i WAS PLAYING FLARP WITH vIKEUFANG, tERRARISFUR, aND rAMAIR" he said. "vIKSUFANG KEPT MAKING ME DO THINGS THST WERE TO HARD FOR ME, aND WHEN I TRIED TO STAND UP FOR MYSELF,,, sHE SAID 'fLY, pUPA, fLY!' AND I FOUND MYSELF JUMPING OFF THE CLIFF, i DONT KNOW HOW I DID THST, i DIDNT CHOOSE TO DO IT MYSELF" everyone gasped and looked at viksufang. she seemed pretty casual about it. "I did that using mind control 8tw" she said while liking her paw. "VRISOFANG. I THINK ILL HAVE TO CLICK THE BAN BUTTON ON YOU. ANY REASON I SHOULDN'T?" Karksliciousstar asked her. "Your honor. ehut the fock up 8ecause. you wasn't even there."" "FAIR ENOUGH. VIKSUFANG DTAYS." "wHAF!!!!" pupapelt shouetd. viksafang smirkes at him. "oh, dont worry pupa! i can't 8r8k your legs twice, can i? ::::)" Pupapelt nervously moved over more to gameclaw, who was sitying next to him. "BUT..." Karkaliciousstar spoke again. "VIKSUMINIEONSFANG WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO GO TO GATHERINGS FOR A WHILE." "8ummer" viksufang said, looking at the groun.

jannekepaw woke up in his nest. it had been 3 days  wince Viskudsng got cancelled.Jannekepaw was feeling quite hungry, so the flame-coloured apprenticeship walked out of the den, through the clearing. he thankfully could eat right away, because there were no elders and no kits who needed breakfast before him. as he walked to the fresh kill pile, he heard some cat cough. He looked around to see Gameclaw. He looked sick, so Jannekepaw padded toward him without getting prey. "Hey, game claw, are you feeling alright?" he asked the blue warrior. Gamecla blinked at the sppeentice with a teethy smile. He looked a little high. Maybe he smoked to much weed. Maybe that was why he was coughing. Besides, Gameclaw was high most of the time. "Oh Im MoThErFuCkInG fInE mOtHeRfUcKeR" he said before taking a bite of his fresh-kill. Jannekepaw suspected the tom was lying, so he padded through the clearing, and poked his head through the medicin dens door. he saw pupapapelt lying in his moss nest. "oH, hEY JANNEKEPAW, rAMAIR IS GATHERING HERBS, bUT YOU CAN TELL ME WHAT YOU NEED," he said. Jannekepaw walked into the den. "Well, i heard gameclaa couching just now, and he looked pretty sick. And high." Pupapelt sat up in his nest. "oH GOG,,, fETCH HIM FOR ME, wILL YOU?" Jannepaw ran out of the den, bumping into Neuron leap. "Oh, Neruonlesp! Have you seen Gameclaw?" he asked the dark gay tabby. ":33 < hes in the warriors den" she responded. "Okay thanks Neuronleap." Jannekepaw walked to the warriors den and saw Gameclaw lying inside. "Hey Gameclaw, Pupapelt wants you in Remains den." he told the tom. "OkAy Im CoMiNg MoThErFuCkEr" Gameclaw  got up from his nest and kannekepaw led him to ramairs den.

"hEY GAMECLAW, oH WOW, yOU REALLY DO LOOK SICK,,," pupapelt meowed as he walked—or maybe rolled—towards Gameclaw. "Oh ItS nOtHiNg BrOtHeR dOnT wOrRy" pupilpelt sniffes at him. "oH MAN, yOU, uH, rEALLY NEED TO STOP SMOKING SO MUCH WEED,,," he said. "rAMAIRS GATHERING HERBS, sO YOU VCAN JUST WAIT ABIT, i GUESS," pupsapelt flickes his tail towards a moss nest and gameclaw sat down in it. "so pupapelt! what are you gonna be doing...?:now you..cant be a wwarrio." jannekepaw questioned the brown tom. pupapelt licked his chest.  "uHHH,,, iM GONNA BE A MEDICINE CAT! rAMAIRS TAKING ME TO THE NOOMSTONE TOMORROW," "oh, cool!" suddenly, ramair walked into the den, carrying a packet of thyme and catmint. "hEY RAMAIR," Pupapelt said as the medicine cat walked to the herb storage. "cAN YOU CHECK GAMECLAW OUT? i THINK HE HAS A COUCH," Ramair laid down the herbs in the right places. "0h ill check him 0ut" she replied. the dark red medicine cat walked toward Gameclaw and sniffed at him. "0h n0 i think y0u have whitecuf" "will it spread quickly?" jannekepaw askes. "maybe but it can als0 turn int0 greenh0use which w0uld be very bad" pupapelts fur bristled in fear. "oH, sTARCLAN, lETS HOPE IT DOESNT,,," ramair turnes her head to jannkepaw. "y0ud better get 0ut 0f here if y0u d0nt want t0 catch it" he gasp"woah, is that a threat?" "n0 y0u dumbass"

jannekepaw quickly ran out of the den. then he realised he hadnt eaten yet. he slowed down, walled to the fresh kill pile and pocked out a squireel. a sudden voice startled him. "hey jannekepaw" jannekepaw turned his head. "oh, hey gaypaw." the cool apprentice sat down next to him. "haventje you eaten yet" he asked as jannekepaw rook a bite out of his food. "no," he meowed. "i had to send gameclaw to the medicine den and then wait for ramair." galapaw licked his paw. "oh man is he sick" "yeah, whitecoufh." "damn" gaypaw said. "i was just out on petrol and heard yerarrkarur cough" another warrior sick? jannekepaw thought. oh no...

Clanstuck #1: Jannekekit's Clan (Warrior Cats X Homestuck)Where stories live. Discover now