chapter 13

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"youre back!!!" fishfeces meowed as neuronleap sprang at jaappaw playfully. The group were back at camp, they had finished their journey and had brought back the catmint. "Where Were You?" Virginheart asked Overdosepaw as she licked her ear. "I Was Worried About You" "I was gathering herbs, I apologize for not telling you." Overdosepaw replied. "let's go bring ram air the herbs." Jannekelaw announced. "good idea" faypaw commented. The four cats walked ro rhe medicine den, carrying the cat mint. They walked through the vines, into the cave, to see pupapelt sorting herbs, ramair giving plants to Sweatyhoove, and swatyhoev, gameclaw, and terrariafur lying on nests. "we have the catnip!" jaappaw meowed cheerfully. "g00d" Ramair purred with relief. The appeentices all laid down the catmint for Ramair to pick up. Pupapelt came rolling iver to the pile of catmint, and picked some up with his jaws, so did Ramair. They padded over to the sick cats and fed them the herb. "wHaT tHe MoThErFuCk I fEeL AmAzInG nOw" gamzcaw said after eating the plant. he stood up from his nest and did half a backflip.
" D -->I feel quite STRONG said gameclaw." said Gameclaw. "I F33L 4M4Z1NG" tereriefur meowed with glee. "hey terezifur can y0u help me find herbs?" Ramair asked her friend. "OF COURS3 >;]" she replied as they both walked out of the den. jannekepaw suspected they weren't actually going to search for herbs. But he just accepted that fagt. He hoppee outsde on the de and came across virginher. "hi virgenheart" he greeted. " ramair is gonna making out eith your mom" "Oh Fun" virgenheart replied. jannekepaw thought about asking his mentor to go training with him and jaappaw. so h. wlked to, hairdawn. he s5opped walking when he saw hairdawn and gaypaws dad, sillyeye, standing face to face. "fuck you!" hairdawn said. sillieye got very mad. "are you from ohiio or 2omethiing" he shouted. "you 2eriiously need to get your braiin examiined. iim liike 90 % 2ure you were dropped on your head multiiple tiime2 a2 a baby" "KRILL YOURSELF!" screamed hirdawn. h3 was aboit to launch himself at his kismesis before jannkepaw stepped in. "dad no!" he said. he noticed sillyeye running away. "wwhat the fucm do you wwant you ginger" hairdawn replied. "can we go training?" hairdawn grunyed dramatically. "fineeee go get your sisyer"

"ok the training session is ovver i guess yall wre almost ready fot your ass esment." hair dawn said, shitting down on a rock. "yay!" yappaw exclaimed. jannekepaw smilled. he couldn't beleieve it! he was gonna hsave his assment! "lets uhhhh do it next moon" yawned jannekepaws mentor. they walked back to camp.
jannekepaw and jaappaw rsced throuhg the tunnel. Jannekepaw stopped in shock ass he arrived in the clearing. Ramair lay on the ground,Terrarisfur standing beind her in grief. rveryone was watching. "wwhat happened" hairdawn asked. "M3 4ND R4M41R W3NT OUT TO G3T R3V3NG3 ON V1KSUF4NG FOR P4R4LYZ1NG PUP4P3LT. R4M41R SUMMON3D GHOSTS TO H4UNT H3R. V1KSUF4G...SH3....SH3 K1LLED R4M41R." everyone gasped, includig jannekapw. he knew vriskafaj was bad! Terriefur continued " 1 4TT4CKED V1KSUF4NG. BUT TH3N SH3 M1ND CONTROLL3D M3 TO ST5R3 4T TH3 SUN UNT1L 1 W3NT BL1ND.' "DO YOU KNOW WHERE SHE IS NOW?" kakalicioisstar asked his deputy. "NO" she eeplied. "1 F3LL UNCOC1OS WH3N 1 GOT BL1ND3D" "OH." karkaliicousstar said. "PATORLS, KEEP A LOOKOUT FOR VIKSUFANG. IF YOU FIND HER, KILL HER."

Ramair still laid in the clearing, ready to be buried. Terrariafur was giving a speach. " -V1KSUF4NG W4S MY M4T3SPR1T-TH3N MY K1SM3S1S- 4ND TH3 MOTH3R OF MY K1T, V1RG1NH34RT . NOW, SH3 1S NOTH1NG TO M3. 4ND 1 W1SH R4M41R H5D B22N MY M4T3SPR1T 1NST34D. 1 W1LL N3V3R FORG3T H3R" She finished talking and looked at the sandy ground.

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