Chapter 3

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I awoke with my back to the floor looking up to the ceiling. I felt exhausted, as though the night of rest had no affect upon me. I wondered as to why I was on the floor and tried to remember. Suddenly a bare leg came down beside my head and Max looked down at me.

"You okay? Want to get up?" she asked.

"I think I rolled out of bed." I said holding my spinning head.

"I think you rolled out of my bed." She told me.

I slowly regained my memory and sighed. I remember getting into bed with her and remembered her warmth around me.

"Oh gods I'm sorry." I apologised feeling embarrassed. "Did I waken you?"

"Your crying did." She told me "But I am not complaining."

She stood over me with just a shirt and underwear on, she appeared kind and sympathetic towards me and held out a hand, I took it and she helped me to my feet.

"Tell me, the events of last night did indeed occur and I didn't imagine them, right?" As I asked my head throbbed. I assumed it was from hitting my head as I rolled out of her arms but it could have equally have been from dread.

"I'm sorry to say they did." She said slowly.

As she told me I fell into her arms, my head rested on her chest and she delicately stroked my shoulder. After a moment she slowly caressed my head and I looked up to her with weary eyes. Her face was almost emotionless but I could see that her mind was thinking of what would have to be done later today. Her eyes seemed absent in relation to me.

"So..." I suddenly recalled her shoulder as I felt her bandage around her arm. "Oh your wound is it... giving you any pain or discomfort?"

"I am feeling achy but nothing more." she told me plainly.

"Good." I nodded. "I'll give you some pills, you'll be perfect."

She moved her hand from my head and gripped my waist gently. I felt her rock hard abs as I carelessly pressed my body against her. My headache suddenly ceased and all my thoughts turned to wanting to relax with her and forgetting everything else. I suddenly felt her hand on the back of my leg below the tiny shorts which I slept in and I began to feel her hand ride up them. I looked up into her deep green eyes and saw her bite her lip. As I felt her second hand upon the backs of my legs I grew nervous and rubbed my hand through my hair, I felt her hands lower and then reappear at my back again. She looked away from me and I felt a strange feeling come over her.

"Hey, what is it?" I asked taking her chin and turning her face towards me.

"I... feel like..." She began and then started over with a struggled sigh. "What do you want to do? When this is all over?

"All over?" I asked "As in what? When we get to port?"

"I mean. Do you want to stay on this ship with me or do you want to sell the ship and maybe we could use the money to do something else? Or go our separate ways? I'm pretty sure that you could get anywhere from any of the central systems for little."

The thought of us parting ways never crossed my mind and I was surprised and grew offended but tried not to show it. I wanted to ask if she was serious but knew she was.

"Sell the ship? Are you certain we can do that?" I asked.

"We are now the only ones that can be and are responsible for this vessel. There is no one else detailed in the ownership of this ship apart from the captain and then his crew. Since we are the only two left alive, we own the ship, or at least one of us, or perhaps both of us equally, to be honest I don't really know."

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