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The steaming that Fikani was doing has water dripping all over his upper body. He goes back under the blanket and stays in there until the hot vapour completely disappears, then goes for his regular herb bath. After he’s done, he gets dressed and finds his suit jacket so he can go to his shrine before they leave. It doesn’t take him long to light up the candles and start burning the incense in the white metal plate. He calls upon all his guides and deities before pulling in a deep breath.
‘I know I messed up. I did not do things the right way and now my wife has left. This is the same person you’ve been showing to me way before I even knew that I’d be on this throne today, I just didn’t understand the signs back then. However, there is no use in wallowing in the past. I am willing to do right by both my children, traditionally speaking’.
‘I’m asking that you soften your bride’s heart so she can come back home’
He hears Kurhula asking someone about him in the corridor. He wraps it ups, switches everything off and gets up. Once he steps out, he takes his jacket off.
‘What do you want?’
‘They need you downstairs and all of you are going to be the reason why we leave at midday here’ Kurhula informs with irritation and leaves him there.
Fikani gets to the table and finds most of his uncles and two aunts waiting for him.
‘Uhm… did I forget about a meeting? My apologies’ he says before taking a seat.
‘Son, we are aware that some of us need to be on the road right now but—‘ Uncle Wiseman stops talking when Kuli walks past following Kurhula’s lead, who has both their luggage bags in his hands.
‘Sorry’ she humbly apologizes for interrupting, and they walk on.
‘Where was I?’
‘My elders, why are we gathered here? I haven’t seen you in a while Aunty Thani, welcome’
‘Is it true that your wife stormed out of here?’ she ignores his kind approach and gets straight to the point.
‘We need to talk’
Fikani sighs and mutters Mhan Singi’s name under his breath.
‘I’m listening’
‘You need another royal wife, Mlambya. We’ve been telling you this and I hope now you can see that we have a point’
‘I agree. Number one, you did not allow that girl to go for virginity testing when you married her, which goes to show that she was already deflowered and—‘Aunty Thani gets cut off.
‘Whoa, whoa, whoa. We are not going to sit at this table and discuss my wife’s body count. That we will not do’
‘We are not trying to insult you or her. The second thing is that this girl does not treat you like the king that you are. In my entire 57 years of living, I have never heard of a royal wife throwing a vase at a king’s head. Son, what do you honestly see in that girl? Third, she leaves this place like a lightning bolt like she’s walking out of a Chisanyama. This is a royal house. If she wanted to leave, she should’ve done things the right way by asking her people to come fetch her because they are the ones who brought her here’
‘Okay, I don’t think this is the right way to approach this. Son, your territory always needs to be protected by a royal womb. You know this, we all know this. Right now, you’re like a single man and that’s unacceptable’ say Albert.
‘Can’t my wife and I fight like a normal couple?’
‘Fighting is allowed but in all that, she always needs to remember that she’s never above you’
‘I will not be taking any second wife. Bontle is going to come back here when the time is right’
‘Time is something you do not have. What if this hot phase of hers lasts for six months?’
‘It won’t. Can we please not panic? Give me the chance to sort this out and if I fail, then we’ll take a way forward’
‘We are not playing games here. Whatever you have with her can continue on the side, I personally do not care but what I know is that we cannot be led by a bachelor of a king’ Sol adds to the chat.
‘Bachelor how when I’m a married man?’ Fikani asks, holding his ring finger up.
‘I already have a girl in mind. I know her personally because I’m in the same stokvel with her mother. Very well-mannered, respectful, and beautiful Pedi woman. After going to Gauteng to pay the damages, I’ve realized that you have a heart for tidudla. She also has some meat on her bones. Very curvaceous lady’ Thani reports.
‘Well keep her in that mind. I need to go’ he stands up and they all reprimand him to sit down.
‘Mokgadi Mokone will secure your reputation as a king and a man in general. I have faith in that girl’
‘Uncle Wiseman?’ Fikani firmly calls.
‘Don’t look at me. I am loyal to the throne, and whoever is on it but if they’re making terrible decisions then the throne comes first’
‘We have a wedding to get to’ he adjourns the meeting and they all give up when he continues to walk away – regardless of his name being called. When he gets outside, he finds Kurhula balancing his weight against the V-class, waiting for him.
‘Did I not tell you that this is going to happen? These people raised me. I know them like I know law’
‘They’re mad. Let’s go’ Fikani responds and walks past.
Kurhula shakes his head and puts his foot on the entrance of the car.
‘Don’t tell me he’s sleeping?’ he asks and Kuli lifts the baby blankie off Tlhari’s face.
‘But you know him’
‘I suspect I’d had bread, chips and Coke the day he was born  because why is he so lazy?’
Kuli laughs and defends her son. ‘He’s not lazy when he’s awake hao’
Mhan’ Lulama comes holding AK by hand after bathing him. He runs into Kurhula’s hands and his dad picks him up.
‘Hey big guy! Are you excited for this trip?’
AK nods vigorously.
‘Mifamba kahle. Have a seat trip’ Lulama wishes them well and the rents both say their thanks.
‘What’s keeping everyone in there?’ Kurhula asks.
‘They’re still in a meeting’
‘Jesus Christ!’
Mac comes out with his Nike bag on his shoulder.
‘If this one came out before everyone else, then I’m certain we’re not leaving today’ Kurhula complains, and his big brother laughs.
‘You’re a bloody nuisance mfana’

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