Chapter 23

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Y/n's POV

Its been a few hours since the guys left and I've managed to get to my feet. Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Kai have all been great and helped me if I need anything. I've been slowly walking around the room, my main injuries be lots of bruises, luckily no broken bones. As I was sitting in the new living room, the front door bursts open and I see Jake rush in with Thea in his arms. Yeonjun and the others jump up, going over to help as the others pile in. I stand up slowly, following them to a room where they start treating Thea. As I stand and watch them, I feel arms around my waist.

''How you feeling?'' I hear Heeseung ask as he kisses my shoulder.

''I'm not broken. A lot of bruises and some aches but nothing too serious. Is Thea okay?'' I reply, turning my head slightly to look at him.

''She's been beaten, she's also freezing cold.'' He answers, his eyes trained on his sister's body. I sigh and kiss his cheek.

''She's going to make it. She's home.'' I tell him. He nods and I see the tears in his eyes. I look over at Jay, who nods.

''Lets go lay down, the guys have it covered here and my legs are starting to ache.'' I said, gently pulling Heeseung away. He doesn't say anything, but follows me to the bedroom where I woke up. I lay in the bed as Heeseung sits on the edge, the tears falling freely now.

''Hey shh babe, its okay. She's going to be okay.'' I said, rubbing his back.

''I-I can't lose Thea. I-I almost lost her and you.'' He cries. I wrap my arms around his back, laying my head on his shoulder.

''You didn't. Yes we are both physically hurt but we're both alive and safe once again.'' I reply.

I hold him as he cries and after an hour, he's stopped as we just lay on the bed. There is then a knock on the door, Sunoo popping his head in.

''Hi, Thea's awake.'' He tells us.

Heeseung is quick to get up, gently helping me as we leave the room, heading to where Thea is. We see her sitting up as Soobin checks her vitals.

''Unnie your okay.'' She said as I walked in. I give her smile.

''I'm okay bub. How are you?'' I reply.

''In a bit of pain.'' She answers. I see all the injuries on her body as Soobin speaks up.

''She's on a lot of pain meds, its all in this IV. That's so she doesn't feel a lot of pain but she'll be drowsy for a while.'' He tells us. I nod as Heeseung goes over to his sister's bed. I smile and feel happy she's going to have a full recovery.

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