Is it a date??

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Hiii After working on this it all got deleted so I had no motivation for a bit ;-; anyways enjoy!

"HAILEY" Zander yelled waking Hailey "AA" Hailey yells awaken " Hailey we Are gonna be Late hurry up! I wanna walk with Luke" Zander says rushed "okay okay sorry" Hailey says hopping out of bed.

"Hey guys" Luke smiles waving down the path "oh hey!" Zander says smiling immediately happier. Luke walks up to Zander and pecks his cheek " do I seriously have to be a third wheel all the Time I'm with u guys?" Hailey says laughing "hey- u shut it" Zander says turning red. Luke chuckles as the group make their way to school.

The trio opens the door to chaos " HAILEYYYY JAKE HAS SOMETHING TO TE-" Milly yells getting cut off by Jake saying " BE QUIET" while holding his hand preventing Milly from talking. "Uh what did I walk into?" Hailey says shaking her head. Sean walks up to Hailey "hey so we are still meeting at urs after school to watch a movie right?"  Sean asks "yeah ofc!" She says smiling "oooh I'll bring lolly snakes!" Milly says excitedly just as there was a knock on the club room door.

"Oh come in!" Luke says. The door slowly opens as a white hair girl pops in " oh hey daisy!" Sean says happily "hi Sean! Sorry to bother you guys could I chat to Sean?" The group nods their head while Jake stands confused on why daisy wanted to talk to Sean. Daisy and Sean walk out the room with daisy saying " I won't be too long!" The group continues chatting as before.

Sean pov:
"I wonder what she wanted to talk about.." sean thinks to him self. "Hey daisy what's up?"
He asks smiling "oh nothing much! Just wanted to ask if u wanted to come hang out with me at this festival tonight!" Daisy says excitedly "woah wait is this a date?- wait no it's just a friendly meet up oh no I'm supposed to hang out with the club tonight what should I do?" Sean thinks panicked "uh sean?" Daisy ask worried snapping sean out of it "oh uh...I'm hanging out with the club tonight! I'm so sorry.." he says sadly "oh!.. that's fine" Daisy reply's looking disappointed "oh! How about u join us? I could pick you up? And take u with me?" Sean asks. " really? U would let me come?" Daisy says with a big smile. The two walk back into the room with Daisy waving at Sean and exiting shortly after.

" don't worry Sean she can come we over heard ur convo out side" Hailey laughs as Sean turns back to face the group "really? Thank you so much!" He says excited " Urgh with Daisy coming might as well have Elliot come as well" Milly mumbles to her self "fine he can come Milly" Hailey says smiling at her "OMG OMG RLLY HAILEY THANK YOU THANK YOU" Milly says jumping up and down.

Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed this! I'm glad I actually wrote a lot this time (heh) be prepared to see some ships in the next chapter!! Such as lander, Jailey, saisy and milliot! Welp hope u enjoyed! :)

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