Pink haired girl

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Millys pov:

It was nice finding out Hailey was dating Jake I just wished I could tell Elliot how to felt.. when ever I'm near him I get a warm fuzzy feeling and I wish I had what Hailey and Jake have just me and Elliot instead..

"Hey Milly!" Hailey waves to me as i Walk into school, she's clung up against Jake probably just because no one else is here and Zander and Luke are in the bathroom. "Oh hey Hailey" I wave walking up to them Jake waves at me as he continues to go on his phone while side hugging Hailey "soo love birds how has it been?" I ask with a smug grin "haha very funny-" Jake says looking up from his phone "well it's been great!" Hailey says laughing "are u going to tell Zander and Luke?" I ask putting my bag down "tell us what?" Zander says walking around the corner, Hailey stops hugging Jake as they just stand next to each-other awkwardly. "Uhh nothing-" Hailey says as she grabs her bag off the ground and begins to walk to the music room we all follow as we wait for Sean to arrive to school.

"Oh uh you guys go ahead I need to grab some books from my locker" I say looking through my bag "oh alright!" Hailey says walking with the group.

I rush over to my locker and look for my book "history, math, English oh there! Music" i say taking my book and shoving into my bag "okay done!" I say closing me locker "hey Milly!" A bot calls running to me it was Elliot "OH H-hi! Elliot!" I say not realising how much I was blushing "hi! So um I need to ask u something" he said fiddling with his fingers "o-oh uh yeah?" I ask "well would you maybe wanna go out with me to the park down lunime road?" He asks clearly embarrassed. OMG OMG OMG HE JUST ASKED ME OUT AHHH I think I'm my mind "uh Milly?" He asks "o-oh yeah! I'll go" I say smiling "great! I'll text you the details" he says looking into my eyes "oh ahah- okayy see youu-" I say awkwardly before running of to the music room.

"GUYS-" I scream opening the door "AH-" Jake yells falling of his chair, Hailey runs up to him making sure he's find while the rest of the group is laughing (also no they are not evil he was 100% fine hailey I just protective of her bf)

"Ow my bum-" Jake says stairing at me "ur fine-" hailey says looking at him "Hailey stop starring at his ass" Zander says annoyed "w-what?! ZANDER-" Hailey yells going red.

"So what's up Milly?" Sean asks turning to me "Milly asked me out!!" I yell, suddenly the room that was going crazy a few seconds ago was silent "AAAA MILLY IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUUU" hailey yells running to hug me and leaving her boyfriend.

"Congrats!" Sean says with a big smile "where are u going!" Hailey asks super excited "just a park" I say smiling "AWWW LANDER CONFESSED AT A PARK" hailey yells "lander-?" Luke says laughing confused.

"Yep! Landet our ship name for you!" I say proud "ooh when is it?" Sean asks jumping of the table "uh lemme check.." I say pulling me phone out "oh next weekend on Saturday!" I say smiling "awww Milly!!! I'm so happy for uuuu" hailey says hugging me again

"Okay now we need hailey,Jake and Sean some one!" Luke says "what do u mean Jake and hai-" I say being cut off by Sean who say "YEAHH AHAHA-" huh? I mouth Sean he looks at me and I remember lander doesn't know yet-

"Alr well let's just start praticing" hailey says grabbing hers and jakes mics on the table.

Heyyy so I'm sooo sorry about the short part today... the next part will have some saisy and jealousy :0 anyways have a great day ! 🫶🏻

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