The hang out

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"And... Done!" Hailey says fixing up the blanket " Hailey?? Are u finished cleaning your room? People will be here soon" zander yells from down stairs "yep!" Hailey yells back just as there was a knock on the door "HAILEY CAN U GET THAT? IM CLEANING" Zander screams " yeah sure!" Hailey yells running down stairs.

" hi hails!" Jake says waving as Hailey opens the door "hey Jake! Come in" Hailey says walking behind Jake.

Soon everyone had arrived and began the movie everyone enjoying it with everyone chatting to another Hailey sat there not knowing who to talk to she looked up to notice that Jake was just sitting there watching the movie. "So. Jake what do u think so far" Hailey asked moving closer to Jake " it's alr I don't quite under stand..." Jake and Hailey continue chatting as they watch the movie.

" KIDS DO U WANT ICE CREAM WE HAVE SOME IN THE FRIDGE" Hailey dad yells "the group excitedly says yes as they receive their ice cream and resume to what they were doing before. Hailey and Jake finish their ice cream " do u wanna go my room ? It's a bit noisy here" Hailey asks Jake "sure!" He says getting up and following Hailey to her room.

Jake had already been in Haileys room so it wasn't new but it was always nice going in. The two sit on her bed as they chat about stuff ranging from hobby's, music and interests.

Back in the living room with everyone else

Sean pov:
As he and Daisy talked about anything the two seem to quite enjoy eachothers company. Sean watches as Daisy rambles about something while he just sits and listens happily.

" GUYS WANNA DO TRUTH OR DARE?" Milly tells excitedly "sure! Where Hailey and Jake tho.." Luke asks " oh I saw them go into haileys room a while ago " WHAT." Zander yells jumping up from the couch and running to haileys room.

Zander slams the door open as Hailey and Jake both stare at Zander. In haileys room Hailey was holding up a drawing showing Jake while Jake sat on her bed watching. " oh good ur not doing anything weird" Zander says relived "w-what no- I- god. Zander!" Hailey yells turning pink "anyways Milly wants to play truth or in?" Zander asks " sure why not?" Jake says as he hops off the bed.

Hiya hope u enjoyed this! IK this didn't rlly have much of the ships but the next one will definitely!!!

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