Late night cry

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Daisy pov

It was late at night and I sat on my bench crying, exactly how Sean found me a few weeks ago it hurted to even think about him, I knew he didn't feel the same. I wish I could tell him, I mean I tried to I set up a idea for a date although we ended up just going to Haileys instead with the whole group which I mean don't get me wrong! Was fun but I wish I could of confessed then, but it was too late and this brown hair girl is going to ruin my chances with him..

I wipe the tears of my face with my sleeve that was socked with tears as I close my eyes and let my tears fall down

I suddenly feel arms around me as I open my eyes and realise it was Sean. I know I shouldn't of but I cry into his shoulder as he rubs the back of my dress.

"Sh.. it's okay, what happened?" He asks in a caring voice "I- b-br..she-" I couldn't speak as I keep crying into Sean's shoulder eventually making his hoodie soaked in my tears

I eventually calm down thanks to Sean as he asks look at my face where I was slapped "who hurt you!" In a very Stirn but some how caring voice I pause "I-"  Sean moves closer to me as he rubs my face where I was slapped. I blush from the sudden gesture "it's alright If you don't wanna say, i just want you to be okay" he says as he hugs me again "thank you Sean" i say feeling better "of coarse Daisy!, now how about we go do something fun again like we did last time?" He asks holding his hand out "o-h okay!" I say taking his hand.

He takes me to an ice cream shop and buys me some ice cream for me and him. "Would you like to buy a rose for your lady? Only $2! My friend!" A random dude come to ask Sean "oh uh sure!" He says laughing, he hands the dude his money and Sean moves closer to me to put the flower in my hair "oh! Haha thanks.." i say turning red suddenly,

"Hm wait let me fix this" he says getting close to me and adjusting the rose, i could feel his breath on my face which i guess was weird but I honestly didn't care "hey Sean!" I hear a girls voice call out, Sean doesn't move but only gets closer to make it perfect, i look up to see who was there and "OH CRAP UH.. THANK YOU SEAN I HAVE TO GO IM SO SORRY!" I say bolting up and running off "w-what? Daisy!" Sean yells but I don't look back.

(Guess who was there?)

I finally reach a stop as i pant out of breath "that witch is following me or something!" I say as the image of Brooke shows in my mind. I couldn't believe i saw her there but I was terrified that she would hurt me. But I felt soo bad for running off from Sean! "What if he thinks he did something wrong!" I say angry with my self. I look up and see Hailey and Jake sitting at a bench near by "oh crap-" i say realising i was going to have to walk past them.

"No because like he was like OH YOUR A FREAK EHEHEHE" "omg no way I'll murder him the next time I see him also his laugh sounds like a 100 year old grandpa-" i hear Jake and Hailey chatting "just keep your head down low and pretend not to see them" i think to my self

"Daisy!" I hear Jake call i look up at them two "oh! Um hi!" I say panicked "what are you doing here by yourself this late!" Hailey asks worried. I open my mouth to speak as i Look down the path and see Sean running down "um im so sorry i have to go!" I apologise as i run off "w-what?!" Hailey and Jake yell as i dash off.

I quickly make it home as i run in and shut the door. "Daisy! Are you okay baby what happened!" mother says worried "oh hi ma uh no I'm fine ahaha. Is mum home?" I ask looking around "yes she's in our room, do u need something?" mother asks again "no it's alright!

I run up to go find my mum, i mean I could talk to my mother about it but my mum gets it more.

"Mum?" I ask poking my head into her room "oh hi sweetie! Where were you? i was so worried! you said you were going to take a walk but you took much longer!" mum says patting the bed for me to come sit with her.

"I'm sorry .. something happened.." i say quietly "aw sweet what happened?" She asks putting her book in her draw.

"okay well so you remember Sean?" I say "oh that's the one you like right?" She asks turning to face me.

"Yep well long story short, a new girl joined the music club and is like flirting with him and um she threatened me that if I talked to him she would ruin my life..!" I say fidgeting with my nails.

"oh my god who is this little lady she sounds like a you know what" mum says whispering the last part (head cannon daisys mum doesn't swear but her mother on the other hand 😅)

"So basically tonight I was sitting at a bench and Sean found me and comforted me and we went out to get ice cream but then she (Brooke) saw us, well I think she only saw Sean but she definitely saw me after I ran.." i say looking up at my mum "aw.." she says

"then! After I ran off i saw Hailey and Jake-" i say getting cut off "oh are they the ones that are dating?" Mum asks "oh no mum that's luke and Zander, Well actually maybe they are dating. It looked like they were on a date now that I think about it.." l say thinking.

"hm well continue" she says "well basically they saw me and I just said hi and ran home.." I say looking down at the ground "I'm sorry mum I'm pathetic.." I say starting to cry

"BABE PLEASE BRING UP DAISYS DINNER FOR ME WOULD YOU?" Mum yells "OF COARSE IS EVERYTHING OKAY?" Mother yells "ILL TELL YOU ONCE YOUR UP HERE" mum yells back doing a little laugh"well sweetie. Sean reminds me of your mother, very kind and caring." She says turning to me and wipping a tear off my face.

"Here you go bae" my mother says passing a bowl of spaghetti and a cup of water to my mum "thanks love you" my mum says passing me the glass of water "drink this Daisy you need it after crying so much. I sip the water and take a bit of the spaghetti.

"So what are you girls chatting about" my mother asks "oh well some girl threatening Daisy about a boy" my mum says "UH EXCUSE ME? DID SOME ONE HURT DAISY!" Mother says getting angry. I sigh "and this is why I can't tell you things" i say continuing eating my food "babe.. this is Daisy's life we cannot interfere.." mum says sighing.

Hii so Nat here :> uh hope u like this so far! It was fun to write for the most of it :D anyways I hope u like saisy angst and have a great day >:D

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