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I honesty think im spoiling you all on early updates.

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MK is peacefully snoring on his bed, a monkey king adventure manga/comic is on his face, when suddenly everything started shaking. Causing all his items to crush on the floor including a secret journal and sketchpad he keep on top of his closet.

"What?  Earthquake!" He panicked until the ground shaking stop and he look at the terrible mess

"  Oh, no-o-o-o. All my pwecious pwossessions." He frown and pouted, he pick up the journal and sketchpad and push it back on the closet, he then look at the clock and panic.

 "9:01. I'm late for work! " he panicked and look around.

" my staff, my staff, where's my staff? Staff? " he tried pulling the staff out of his ear and fall down.

" Pigsy's gonna kill me! "

" oh wait wait (M/n) messages! " he search for his phone and dive down to the pile of cloths snatching his phone, socks, jacket and his bandana. He send a quick morning message from (M/n) text message. He pause seeing something off but shrug it off.

Cuddlely bug: good morning sweetheart! Dont be late for work! I don't want to miss a day without seeing you~♡ 

Silly Monkie B: sure (M/n). Be there! Good morning to you too!

"Okay. Socks. Jacket. Bandana. Let's go." He then rush down stairs and quickly get inside the noodle shop, Tang is slurping the noodle bowl and (M/n) is humming softly at the back.

" And I'm here. Pigsy!  I'm so sorry I'm late. I overslept, and I guess I didn't set an alarm?  " he pause thinking and trying to recollect any memory of him setting the alarm.

"Honestly, I don't even remember going to bed. And the earthquake, and-and-and-- please don't fire me." MK bow down to him groveling and crying infront of Pigsy and Tang, (M/n) slowly joined them wearing a monkey king jacket than his usual cloth. " oh sweetheart" (M/n) softly spoke.

Pigsy is facing away while he stir the pot.

"Pfft- fire you? Ha! Why would I fire you?  " Pigsy ask shaking before he face MK with a bright smile his sparkling and seems in a joyfully mood.

MK thinks " uh, well, last time you said, "If you are one minute late ever again, " he take a deep breath and pointed to him "you are fired!!" He shouted.

(M/n) snicker at this and warp around MK nuzzling against his cheek " really, love?" 

MK slowy turn red and nervously laughs 

Pigsy rub his chin thinking deeply " i said that?  " he look at the two puzzled.

Tang slide in next to Pigsy and place a arm around his shoulder and squish their face together like close friends " That doesn't sound like my best friend Pigsy."

" yeah, love. I dont think that is Pigsy. Maybe you are just dreaming" 

Pigsy, Tang and (M/n) started laughing together and the ground tremble again, the bowl crashes to the ground and the sky flicker to red and the three turn into static and glitch out looking at MK creepily.

MK panics and freaks out avoiding the bowls "it's happening again!  "the quake stop and everything revert back to normal, Pigsy stop laughing and look at him puzzled.

"Again?  What you talking about, MK?  "

MK look at him "Did you not feel that?  "

They look at each other and (M/n) walk toward MK and check his temperature them shrugs. He held MK hand and gently squeeze it.

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