Revenge of the Spider Queen part 2

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( there are things i dont know what they are called so im sorry 😭

Ex is the lever/control stick Syntax used during the time his attacking Redson.

Yes i use google but i still dont know what it called)

Elsewhere, foodstalls are casually still running still not aware of the massive chaos happening in the city, one of the stall have a customer complaining. Its the same guy from the shoe store.

" Your food might have permanently damaged my taste buds! "

He opens his mouth and flames comes out and cant talk properly.

He bangs the service bell aggressively and repeatedly "why would you ever sell anything this hot?!"

A hand stopped him from ringing the bell, Redson glared at him first before smiling cutely and innocently. He spakles. I repeat. He sparkles.

"Oh, dear customer. The spice level was no mistake. I, Redson, have devised the perfect culinary experience. " He pulled down a random chart out of no where, first is very hot, boiling lava, ripped DBK, Aussie heat and the last one is inferno.

"If you would direct your attention down at this chart here, it clearly ranks the spice level from "Very Hot" to "INFERNO!" " his hand burst into flames and place a hand on his back.

"You ordered "Very Hot." So..."

The shoe store assistant stare at him in disblief and sweat from the spiciness and probably from the heat of the burning stalls and buildings. A civilian is being attacked by a spider bot is in the background.

"But it's the lowest one!"

Redson lean on the counter "Oh so I guess I meant to make barbecue for peasants with little, unworthy, disappointing taste buds that shame their fathers. Is that it, huh?!" He look sad at the last bit of his sentence before glaring back at the shoe store assistant.

Shoe Store Assistant grabs Redson's shirt and shoves his own face into his with a glare " Look, I want to speak to the manager." He demanded

Redson cletch his fist " Fine, fine. It's your funeral. " he gesture behind him showing DBK in a apron and a chef's hat, DBK eyes glows and he snarl at the shoe store assistant, the shoe store assistant sweat and jaw drop before letting Redson go.

"Uh I-I actually didn't need taste buds anyway so thank you for your service and have a prosperous and fulfilling New Year." He screams and he runs away, screaming only to almost get stab by a giant spider leg

Redson sighs and facepalm while placing his hand on his hips and leaning on the counter.

" Father, you can't just scare away every single customer that complains. This is our chance at something great!" He face his father.

Dbk eyes widen and look at Redson and clench his claws.

" Great?! I am the Demon Bull King! What would you have me be? The King of Street Food?!" Dbk look inside their stall, seeing the kitchen. A fly landed into one of the meat in the grill before it burst into flames.

Redson place a hand on his chin thinking briefly before looking at DBK awkwardly smiling "Well, yes? I mean, after you recent humiliating defeat, I thought a fresh start was exactly what we needed. Just you and me working together, Father and Son! No evil plans, no talking bones, no hurting one of your maybe... ex? " Redson place his cheek against his father and gesture to the outside smiling and trying to reasoning with him.

Dbk flinch abit before growling in anger, Redson quickly let go and nervously tap his fingers together and laugh nervously.

" Sorry, fresh wound."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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