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A/N: sorry in advance that this chapter might be a bit boring, but I want to take time with this story so pls be patient with me pooks🙏

(3rd person POV)


Golden sun rays pooled within the darkness that encapsulated the room, washing over and filling the ill-lit corners with bright light. The rays fell upon a sleeping form that was practically drowning within the sheets and covers that hugged them in their peaceful state.

A groan of displeasure slipped out of the person's throat, as they turned over and covered their head to protect themselves from the warm bright light. A quiet hum escaped their lips, once more sinking into the warmth of the covers and slipping back into a state of unconsciousness.

However, it seemed the universe had other plans for this poor soul. The sound of paws tapping across the hardwood floor, leading into the room of the sleeping human. The tapping came to a halt at the foot of the bed, but the sound of panting kept the room from silence.


A warning huff escaped the canine, demanding both attention and freedom of the outside world. When the dog got no reaction, the tapping of paws resumed, carrying the dog over to the face of his beloved owner, who was peacefully resting.

How dare she.


Once again, the dog decided to be generous and let out one last warning huff, letting his owner choose her fate. When he only got a small groan and her face slightly scrunching up from being bothered as a reaction the large dog huffed, his already short patience was worn out.


The dog loudly barked, causing his owners (E/C) eyes to snap open, reaching a hand out to quickly pet him as to quell his anger.

this dog was an asshole...but a cute one!

"Shhhhh...pleasesssssshut the fuck up..." the (H/C) haired girl murmured, fighting back the strong urge to cease her petting and fall back asleep. She knew however that her dog was the biggest brat and would loudly bark and pant in her ear until she resumed showering him with attention.

Like stated, this dog was an asshole.

After a few more moments, the girl finally let out a sigh before pulling herself from the warmth of her bed, stumbling towards her bathroom. The dog obediently followed behind her, planting himself in front of the bathroom door that was now sealed shut, locking him out so he was unable to harass his owner.

Once again, how dare she.

The young woman groaned, dragging both her hands down her face. She opened her eyes to gaze into the mirror in front of her and audibly gasped at her dishevelled form.

"Jesus...what happened to you?" The (E/C) eyed woman muttered to herself quietly, reaching out for a brush and attempt to tame her crazed hair.


After a long 10 minutes of making herself look presentable, the woman finally step out of her bathroom only to be met with her faithful dog still sitting outside the door. He let out what some would see as an annoyed huff, before getting up and trotting out of the room and to another part of the dorm.

The woman sifted through her closet, pulling out a pair of sweats and a random hoodie and throwing it on her body.

Once dressed, she shuffled out of her room and saw her furry friend sitting right in front of the door, staring at her with what looked like a blank expression.

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