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(2nd person POV)

What. The. Fuck.

No, like seriously, what the FUCK is going on.

Your thoughts were running rampant as you stared at the masked, unconscious form sprawled across the living room floor.

Your breathing was fast and ragged, and your hands violently shook. They shook so bad that the frying pan, which you had used as a weapon, slipped from your grasp and fell to the ground with a loud thunk.

With your now free hands,  you raised your left towards your racing heart, which was caged in your chest. You felt your fingers shakily wrap themselves around your article of clothing, causing it to stiffen and wrinkle under your unyielding grip. You attempted to calm yourself down, trying to even out your breathing, and flexing, then curling your fingers to keep the blood pumping through them so they wouldn't go numb.

It took you a few minutes before you felt as if you were calm enough to try and approach the seemingly knocked out person.

Shakily, you took a small shuffle towards the masked menace, and moved your right foot towards their arms. Gently, you nudged their left limb with yours, then quickly retreated backwards and pressed your back against the window frame.

You held your breath, waiting to see if the man, or what you presumed was a man, would even slightly shift. After what felt like years and not a single movement came from the dude, you decided it was safe to approach once more.

Just to make sure, you repeated your prior action, and when you still saw no movement from the person you let out a small breath of relif.

After that short moment of calmness, you began to freak out again.

What the hell were you supposed to do?! You had a random person knocked out on your floor for christ sake!!! Sure, it might've been out of self defense, but you've heard stories of people attempting to break into someones home, then them getting hurt, and then proceeding to sue for getting hurt, then winning!

you really didn't want to get sued, you bearly had enough money to put food on the table, so how in the world were you supposed to pay someone if they sued!

Then again, those cases were rare, and hard to win, along with the fact that they happened in US, so there's a chance that it wouldn't work within canadien law. Still, it was the thought that scared you.

Maybe when they come too, you both can have a civil conversation and work something out..?

...Yeah that was extermly unlikely, but it was worth a shot!

Carefully, you stepped over the unconscious form and bolted into the kitchen. You frantically looked around the space, trying to find something to constrict the person when they woke up. Sure it wouldn't help trying to convince the person not to sue or kill you, but it also made you feel safer. And so they couldn't leap at you to stab you, or throw documents that contained some sort of negligence charge at you.

Either way, you'll most likely be safer with them tied up.

Or maybe you should just like...throw them back out the window..? But if they get hurt then they'll DEFINITELY sue. Plus what's stopping them from breaking in again?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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