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(2nd person POV)


Last night was...something..!

After the elevator broke, you were stuck in there for HOURS UPON HOURS!!! You tried the little red help button that was inside the finicky machine, but it was broken. So after like two hours you were finally able to get a signal and send a text to Eleanor letting her know that you were stuck and needed help. After scolding you for taking the machine, she called the fire department to come and save you.

You were really embarrassed when the had to pry open the doors and pull you out...

You ended up getting back to your dorm around 3 in the morning. You dog, Max, wasn't very happy with your sudden disappearance. He took it upon himself to immediately scold you with soft barks and huffs when you walked through the door.

After that, you scooped up the canine and plopped him into your bed, forcing him to cuddle. At first he protested, but after a few minutes he accepted his fate and let you use him as a teddy bear.

Currently, it was 9:00 in the morning and you were awoken by a hard force smacking into your forehead. Hand's flying up to your face, you rubbed the spot which had been the forefront of the assault and let out a pained groaned. Max took the chance to cease his thrashing and jump out of your bed, his paws carrying him out of the room and into the kitchen where his water and food bowl was.

Still dazed, you slowly sat up and looked around your room. Your mind felt clouded with sleep as you ever so slowly regained your senses.

To say you were not a morning would be an understatement.

After a few moments of sitting as still as a statute, you moved, groggily shifting your limbs to untangle yourself from the sheets and covers. After believing that you were fully untangled,
you pulled yourself from the soft mattress. However, your ankle was still very much caught within the blanket, and as you attempted to walk towards the bathroom you were immediately tripped up and falling flat on your face.


Letting out another groan, you kicked your leg until your ankle was released. Once it was, you pulled yourself up off the floor and stumbled your way into the bathroom, still rubbing your forehead, and now nose to sooth the throbbing pain.

once in the bathroom, you slammed the door shut with more force than intended, and ended up rattling the whole bathroom.

After slightly spooking yourself, you slowly shuffled to the sink and turned on the water, making it as cold as possible. Filling you hand with water, you splashed your face with the water to wake yourself up more. After that you turned off the tap, and then simply gazed into the mirror over the stainless steel with a blank expression. Your hands made there way to the sides of the sink, gripping it with a gentle, but firm touch. Subconsciously, you began to let your arms hold up your weight.

Memories of last night began to creep their way into the for front of your mind.

You saw someone die.

You watch a murder.

What do you do?! Should you go to the police? Would they even believe you? You were a bystander, you did nothing, so could you be considered an accomplice?! Would you go to jail?! Would your life really end before it even began!!!

Sinister love (creepypasta X fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now